Weinstein Civil War Timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Miane becomes a free state and Missouri becomes a salve state. Split the Louisanna Purchase along 36 30 with the North being free and the South being slave. This caused more of a division in the country, which helped lead to the civil war.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter was started to be built in 1829 and still was not finished by 1861. It was surrounded by water and located in South Carolina. The walls were forty feet high and they were 8 to 12 fet thick designed to mount 146 big guns.

    For some reason my computer is not letting me download or save any picture and I don't know why. Thats why some of them do not have a picture, it's not because I forgot.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    Settles boarders disputs with Texas and New Mexico. Bans slave trade in Washington D.C. fugitive slave act lead to the war. THis lead to the war because both trhe north and the south were mad.
  • Uncle Tom

    Uncle Tom
    It led to the war because there is states that are slave free. The states that weren't slave free didn't do anything thing about this. This caused anger with the north and caused a war.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act
    This divides Nebraskas territory into two seperate territories making Kansas and Nebraska. Slavery in these two states was to be determinded by popular sovereinty. The act overturned the Missouri Compromise.
  • Chaos errupts in Kansa

    In 1855 Kansas held an election to decide whetth it should be a slave stae or not. boarer ruffians came and tried to illegally vote. There are now two governments in kansas but the chaos remains. The event that followed is know as Bleeding Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    There was a conflict with the Nebraska and Kansas act. This was about the proslavery and antislavery. This lead to the civil war because it was a battle.
  • Preston Brooks Cane C. S

    Preston Brooks Cane C. S
    Congressman Brooks walked inot walked into the senate chamber. He beat Summers more than 30 times with a gold headed cane. He was then praised as a hero . The attack greatly angered the North South response.
  • Lincoln and Douglas Debate.

    This debate was held in Ottawa. Around 12,00 poeple were there. Doulgas made points on the compromise of 1850 and Lincoln made points on Trumbell. papers say that Lincoln won because douglas had no point of importance.
  • Licoln and Douglas Debate

    This is another debate and this was held in charlestown Illinios. Douglas made points on Licoln and Trubell making person attacks, and Credit with The Nebraska Kansas Act. Licoln made points on Black equality and Douglas forcing a slave consitution on kansas. Lincoln won because the cowd cheer for him so much.