
Events Leading to the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    Missouri Compromise of 1820
    The Missouri Compromise was admitted by Congress to make the balance of free, and slave states equal in Congress. This event was important because it made Missouri, and Maine a state. It balanced Congress between a slave and a free state.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    The cost to import goods was raised in 1828 by the federal government. This tariff protected Northern industries. The significance of it was that it made tensions high between the north and south because the south strongly opposed.
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    Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was an informal constantly changing network of escape routes used by runaway slaves in the south. Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. The significance of the underground railroad is that many slaves escaped through the underground railroad.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    It was proposed by David Wilmot. It suggested that slavery be banned from any territory gained from the Mexican American War. The north supported it, and the south opposed it. It was voted down by Congress. The significance is that it brought up the problem of, is the acquired territory going to be free or slave states. (Notes) (The Decade of Crisis)
  • Free Soil Party

    The Free soil party was a party that opposed the extension of slavery to territories that werent yet admitted to statehood. They opposed slavery and were made of up Northern whigs, democrats, and Liberty Party. The significance was that this party was another example of the difference in opinion in America at the time.
  • Differing Economies of North and South

    The south was more of a farming economy. They exported a large amounts of goods to other countries and to the north. The northern economy was based on manufacturing goods, and factory working. There were many middle class families living in the north in the 1850's.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act made it a federal law that all escape slaves be returned to their rightful owner promptly. It made the helping of slaves a federal crime, and it was openly resisted in the north. The significance of this act was that it brought more trouble on the idea of slave talks in the United States.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Congress passed five laws on the issue of slavery. Henry Clay seeked a resolution to keep a balance of slave and free states. The significance was that it kept balance in congress between slave states and free states. It made California a free state.
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    The Know-Nothing Party

    The Know Nothing Party was an anti immigrant party who thought the German immigrants served as a threat to economic stability. The significance was that it showed how so Americans felt about the immigrants coming in to America for our jobs.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Uncle Toms Cabin was a best seller book wrote by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It changed how Americans viewed slavery drastically. It made those in north really educated about how bad slavery actually was. The significance of this novel was that it changed forever how Americans viewed slavery.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    The party formed from a meeting of the free soil party, northern whigs, and others against the kansas and nebraska act. The significance of this party is that it is still a major party in the US today.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed people of Nebraska, and Kansas, north of the 36 30 longitude line to vote on whether they wanted slavery or not. This act repealed the Missouri Compromise. The significance of this event was that it started a civil war in the state of Kansas.
  • Sack of Lawrence

    The town of Lawrence had become a center for antislavery activity. A pro slavery posse rode into Lawrence to arrest the leaders, looting and destroying much of the town. The significance of this event was that it made troubles between the abolitionists and anti abolitionists even worse. (Notes)
  • Brooks/Sumner Senate Caning

    Without warning Senator Brooks attacked Senator Sumner with a heavy cane until he collapsed. Sumner had directed vicious remarks to Butler of South Carolina, and he didnt take kindly to his actions. The significance of this event was that it signified how violence over Kansas had spread to Congress.
  • The Election of 1856

    The election of 1856 was an extremely close election that led to the election of president James Buchanan. Franklin Pierce was not nominated from his party because of his efforts after the Kansas and Nebraska act. This election was significant because a new president had to come in to deal with the problems after the Kansas and Nebraska Act.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom with the argument that by living where slavery was illegal he had become free. Southeners of course agreed with this decision, and northerners did not. The significance was that northerners feared that slavery could now not be banned in any territory.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    The Debates were a series of seven public meetings where Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated the issues of their Senate Campaign. Lincoln spoke with calmness, and logic. Douglas spoke with great flair. The significance was that they put Lincoln on the political scene even though he didnt win the seat.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    John Brown a radical abolitionist, organized a antislavery militia, and they sought bloody revenge for what happened in Lawrence. He and his followers drug five proslavery members out and killed them. The significance of this is that it helped ignite a civil war in Kansas.
  • The Election of !860

    The Election of !860
    The election of !860 was the year Abraham Lincoln was elected. He was on the political scene after the Douglas debates. After he was elected president South Carolina seceeded from the union. The significance was that this election caused South Carolina to be the first Confederate state.
  • Formation of the Confederate States of America

    Representatives met from the seven states to form the Conferderate States of America. They did not think their secession was illegal and wanted to do it in a peaceful manner. The significance of this was that it started the Civil War in America.
  • Fort Sumter

    Confederates open fire on a Union fort, and the fort was then surrendered the next day. The significance of this was that it was the first battle of the civil war.