Weimar republic


  • Strikes in Factories

    General strikes are called in many German factories.
  • Abdication of the Kaiser

    The German chancellor, Prince Max von Baden, announces the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, without the Kaiser’s full agreement, and the Kaiser escapes to Holand.
  • SDP proclaims a Republic

    The Social Democratic Party (SDP), specifically, the politician Philip Scheidemann, proclaims a German republic.
  • The Allies sign the Armistice

    The beginning of the end of World War I: combatant nations sign an armistice, agreeing to cease fighting at 11am.
  • The Freikorps are formed

    The first Freikorps unit, the Lichtschlag, is formed near Hagen in western Germany.
  • The Spartakusbund

    Spartakusbund splits from the Independent Socialists (later becomes the KPD).
  • The KPD calls for armed revolution

    Rosa Luxemburg presents a foundation program for the newly formed Communist Party of Germany (KPD), which calls for armed revolution.
  • Protesters in central Berlin

    Thousands of protesters, many of them in favor with the KPD and some of them armed, gather in central Berlin.
  • The Freikorps prepare their troops

    The Freikorps begin to mobilise on the outskirts of Berlin, following orders by defence minister, Gustav Noske.
  • Battle of Berlin

    The Freikorps confront the communist protestors
  • Defeat of the Communist protestors

    Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, the leaders of the protest, are executed. Of course, the communist protestors are defeated by the Freikorps.
  • Friedrich Ebert becomes president

    Friedrich Ebert is confirmed by the Weimar assembly as the president of Germany.
  • Second Communist uprising

    Communists launch another attempt to seize control of Berlin.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by all parties, formally ending World War I.
  • Weimar Constitution

    The Weimar constitution is proclaimed, ending the German Revolution. The National Assembly becomes known as the Reichstag.
  • The Kapp putsch

    The Kapp putsch
    A Freikorps unit enters Berlin and demands the replacement of the Ebert's government with a right-wing government, led by civil servant Wolfgang Kapp.
  • The Kapp putch collapses

    After four days of resistance and negotiation, the Kapp putsch collapses.
  • The Communists attack Freikorps

    Communists in the Ruhr respond by attacking Freikorps units and forming a committee to seize power.
  • End of the left-wing uprising

    The Reichswehr marches into the Ruhr and suppresses the left-wing uprising there, killing around 2000 people.
  • Hitler becomes Der Fuehrer

    Adolf Hitler assumes leadership of The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), because of his amazing skills for speaking, that atracted more followers. Later NSDAP will be the Nazi party. He becomes "Der Fuehrer".
  • Hyperinflation begins

    (this develops throughout the year)
    Prices begin to rise rapidly made worse by the printing of money to pay striking workers in the Ruhr. The Reichsmark becomes worthless.
  • The Occupation of the Ruhr

    French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr (German industrial region) because Germany had stopped paying reparations.The Weimar government responds by funding 'passive resistance' of the workers through printing Papiermarks, further fueling hyperinflation.
  • The Munich Putsch

    The Nazis attempt a failed putsch in Munich. They had no support. Hitler is sent to Landsberg prison for his role in it and he had to go to a trial. In the trial he defended himself outstandingly so in nine months he was freed.