Weimar Germany

  • German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns

    German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns
    Definition: Also known as the November Revolution, the German Revolution of 1918 resulted in a change in government structure, from a constitutional monarchy to a democratic parliamentary government. Kaiser Wilhelm II also resigned at this time and it marked the beginning of what is known as the Weimar Republic.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it depicts Kaiser Wilhelm II, the person who resigned.
  • Ebert-Groener Pact

    Ebert-Groener Pact
    Definition: The Ebert - Groener Pact was a deal between Friedrich Ebert (German Chancellor) and Wilhelm Groener (Leader of the German Army). Ebert promised Groener that the German government would take action against leftist uprisings and the army would be majorly self-governed. Groener promised Ebert the armed forces would be on his side.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it is a picture of Friedrich Ebert, a key member in this pact.
  • Armistice ending WW I

    Armistice ending WW I
    Definition: After finding out Kaiser Wilhelm II had abdicated a year prior, the Allies were prepared to enter an armistice with Germany; On November 11th, 1918, Germany and the Allies agreed in an armistice to end World War I. This was the first step to ending the World War.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it highlights the global recognition and significance of the armistice as shown by the reach all the way to Cincinnati.
  • Spartacist Revolt

    Spartacist Revolt
    Jan 5, 1919 - Jan 12, 1919
    Definition: The Spartacist Revolt was an uprising where over 100,000 workers went on strike in support of communistic beliefs. The revolt was led by the two founders of the Russian Communist Party (KPD): Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. After governmental and Freikorps intervention, this revolt failed.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it depicts the Spartacist Revolt occurring.
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic

    Bavarian Soviet Republic
    Definition: The Bavarian Soviet Republic only lasted during the German Revolution of 1918-19. It was an unrecognized socialist state in Bavaria, Germany, aiming to establish a socialist soviet government in Bavaria. This was taken over by the German military and the Freikorps and ultimately failed.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it depicts people waving a red flag, symbolic of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
  • Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany

    Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany
    Effective Jan 10, 1920
    Definition: The Treaty of Versailles basically forced Germany to take responsibility and accountability for its actions in World War I. This resulted in Germany being forced to take the blame for the war, accept defeat to the Allied Nations, and pay reparations to all those involved in the war, as well as ceding appropriate lands.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it shows the confirmation of the Treaty of Versailles’ signing and the German acceptance of such.
  • Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution

    Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution
    Definition: The German people chose to form their constitution in Weimar instead of Berlin due to it being more of a safer place to gather. The Weimar Constitution guaranteed all people would be allowed to vote from the age of 20, all are to be considered equal, and there would be a President and Parliament.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows the Reichstag: the parliament formed by the Weimar Constitution.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    Definition: The Kapp Putsch was a coup d'état in Berlin in efforts to overthrow the SPD Party by Freikorps members, army officials, and other right-wing people. This failed as it was not supported by the people of Berlin: the Berlin public was not equipped to support such and uprising and they also wanted resolution by peace, not through the right-wing acts of violence.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it depicts the Freikorps prepared and awaiting orders in Berlin to attack.
  • (Red) Ruhr Uprising

    (Red) Ruhr Uprising
    March 13, 1920 – April 12, 1920
    Definition: After the Treaty of Versailles caused Germany to dissolve many of their paramilitary groups, the communist workers demanded the right to bear arms to defend themselves in order to fend from future Putschs. Thus, the left-wing workers revolted in in March 1920.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it depicts the workers uprising against the government during the Ruhr Uprising.
  • Hyperinflation Crisis

    Hyperinflation Crisis
    Definition: Due to their inability to pay their debts to their people, the German government began printing more money to pay off the principal and interest accrued. This increase in money in circulation meant that the value of the currency went down. This resulted in a high increase in prices, but not wages, thus culminating in a famine.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it shows the sheer mass amount of money that the German government was printing into circulation.
  • Rapallo Treaty

    Rapallo Treaty
    Definition: After World War I and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the German Republic and the Russian Soviets agreed to waive all territorial and economic claims against each other in the Treaty of Rapallo. This historic photograph depicts the signing of the Rapallo Treaty in Rapallo, Italy.
    Picture Reasoning: I chose this image as it is a report of the Rapallo Treaty.
  • Weimar Golden Age

    Weimar Golden Age
    Definition: The Weimar Golden Age was a period of time in which the German economy was thriving, and the culture was booming. This time was a period of security for the Weimar Government as compared to prior years.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it depicts happy Germans going about their daily affairs during the Golden Age.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium

    Occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium
    Definition: After Germany defaulted on reparation payments by not delivering coal to France on time, France occupied many regions of the Ruhr. With resistance from the German workers, the economic went shot; this was resolved by the Dawes Plan
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows the soldiers from France occupying the Ruhr.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Nov 8, 1923 - Nov 9, 1923
    Definition: Hitler, along with the Nazi Party, attempted to take Munich and utilize it as their headquarters to eventually overthrow the national government. This resulted in the German governmental forces stopping the Nazis and putting many of the Nazi officials in jail.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows where the Beer Hall Putsch happened.
  • Introduction of Rentenmark

    Introduction of Rentenmark
    Definition: The Rentenmark was a limited currency introduced with the backing on the whole agricultural and industrial resources of Germany. It was introduced to stabilize the currency and was tied to the value of gold.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it depicts an example of a Rentenmark.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Definition: Basically, the US would give Germany money to build their economy, to which Germany would give France reparation payments due to the increase in their revenue, to which France would then use that money to pay the US back for war debts and import American goods to rebuild France.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it is an appropriate flow chart that depicts this situation.
  • Election of President von Hindenburg

    Election of President von Hindenburg
    Definition: President Paul von Hindenburg won the German Presidential elections after Ebert’s death. He declared that he would take more of a nationalistic role in this position.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it is of von Hindenburg, the President.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    Definition: The Locarno Treaty was a revised peace treaty that included Italy and was an alternative to the Paris Peace Treaties. It guaranteed Germany's frontiers and conditional independence of the Rhineland. Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows the publicity of the Locarno Pact throughout the public.
  • Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with Soviet Union
    Definition: The Treaty of Berlin was between Germany and the Soviet Union where the two countries agreed on neutrality for five years where they would not attack each other.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows representatives from Germany and the Soviet Union after signing the treaty.
  • German entrance into League of Nations

    German entrance into League of Nations
    Definition: Germany entered the League of Nations and was met with being treated with equality on the global stage. German extremists did not like this as they viewed it as a further imposition of the Treaty of Versailles.
    Reasoning: I chose this image as it shows how recognized this event was on the global stage.
  • Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    Definition: The Grand Coalition brought together the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU), and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP).
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it shows all the involved parties in the Coalition.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    Definition: With the American stock market crash and several bank failures, there was a multitude of recalls of American loans provided to Germany. This resulted in major economic hardship for Germany and high levels of unemployment.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it highlights the large amount of unemployment at this time.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    Definition: Written by American industrialist Owen Young, the Young Plan cut Germany’s reparations from 6.6B to 2B and gave them 59 years to pay that off.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it is a political cartoon depicting the Young Plan.
  • Von Papen’s deal with Hitler

    Von Papen’s deal with Hitler
    Definition: Basically, von Papen told Hitler that because of von Papen’s familiarity with von Schleicher, he would be able to make Hitler the chancellor with the only stipulation that if Hitler becomes chancellor, von Papen will become vice/assistant chancellor.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it is of Franz von Papen.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Definition: On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany.
    Reasoning: I chose this image because it is of Adolf Hitler getting appointed as chancellor.