weeks 17-21

By l!ly
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    Week 17

    Cartilage becomes bone
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    Week 18

    Eyelids, eyelashes, nails and hair, lungs and genitalia develop
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    Week 19

    Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch develop. So do their finger and toe prints
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    Week 20

    Baby can swallow and their digestive track is producing meconium
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    Week 21

    Taste buds have developed and they can now kick and move around
  • Period: 17 to 17

    Week 20

    HALFWAY THERE! At this point, the baby can swallow and their body is creating meconium which will become their first poop.
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    Week 17

    Babies cartilage is forming into bones
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    Week 19

    Baby's sense have started to develop as well as their toe and fingerprints.
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    Week 18

    Baby is able to move slightly and is developing eyelids, eyelashes, nails, lungs and genitalia.