Literacy Timeline EDLL 314

  • Books Placed in Classrooms

    During the 17th century, books were first brought over from England. The famous book the English Protestant Tutor was being reprinted by Boston publishers as The New England Primer. The Puritans' mistrust of free speech and their fixation on youthful sinfulness contributed to the Primer's rote memorization foundation. this was one of the first books in the classroom.
  • Maria Montessori

    Her early reading instruction includes learning the sounds of letters more than the names of letters, with the help of cards that have raised textured letters that children trace with their fingers as they make the sounds.
  • Richard Allington

    Richard believes the quality of classroom instruction is the most critical factor in improving reading achievement. He increased independent reading with appropriate-level texts and make sure to continuously allow teacher development which fosters a love of reading and improves student outcomes.