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    The Revolution

    *Focused on woman's rights & woman's suffrage
    *Susan B Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton bot were publisher and editor
    *They established the revolution during a period when a split was developing within the woman's right movement
    *Together they provided leadership for ending slavery in the U.S in 1865
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    The Populist "Peoples" Party

    Their core ideas were government reforms. Reforms included the election of U.S Senators by popular vote, 8hr workdays, &restriction on immigration+child labor laws
    *The cause that started this party was to lift the burden of debt from farmers&other workers. To give the people a greater voice in the government
    *James B. Weaver was the presidential candidate, who ran against&lost to democratic candidate Grover Cleveland
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union

    *The purpose of WCTU was to combat the influence of alcohol on families&society
    *Frances Willard became president of the WCTU and turned to organizing political means in addition to moral persuasion to achieve total abstinence
    *The issue was seen in society as moral, issue to create prohibition through the nation
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    Harsh Working Conditions

    Children were payed 10 cents an hour. for 14dys. They were assigned to simpler unskilled jobs
    *Many kids had physical deformities due to unsafe work conditions & lack of sunlight & exercise death rate went up
    *Ppl lived in "Slums" where 5-9 ppl lived there, made easier to catch a disease
    *Max 12hrs a day for women, they earned 1/3 of what men received or sometimes one-half of women worked in factories&mills, very unsafe, treated unfairly, seen as servants/ mistress
  • Assassination of president James Garfield

    *Shot came from 44 British bulldogs which the assassin Charles J. Guiteau, had purchased specifically because he thought it would look impressive in a museum
    *He had killed Garfield because of the pres. refusal to appoint him to European consulship
    *The assassin was known around Washington as a emotionally disturbed man
    *He was convinced that its god's work
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    *Provided the federal gov. jobs awarded on the basis of merit and be selected through competitive exams
    *In 1881 a mentally unstable man assassinated James A. Garfield in protest against not obtaining a gov. job
    *The public's reaction cause Arthur to introduce this law
    *Patronage system: practice where after winning an election, gives gov. jobs to its supporters/friends
    *Merit system: process of promoting & hiring gov. employees based on their ability to preform jobs
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    *Supreme Court ruled that a state couldn't regulate RR traffic moving across state boundaries
    *The act was made to be fair to all RR customers
    *The act required RR rates to be " reasonable and just", but didn't empower gov. to fix specific rates
    *The ICC(Interstate Commerce Act" was expected to monitor RR rates & comply w/ regulations
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    The Progressive Era

    *The progressive era was a time of social and political reforms during which corruption and social difference were exposed, many changes were made to american society
    *Progressive Era was a time of reform such as the initiative
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    *Act made it illegal to form a trust that interfered w/ free trade
    *Income inequality+monopolist caused this act to come into play
    *Andrew Carnegie was also associated w/ this bc his Co. , Standard Oil felt pressure from the gov. bc its a monopoly
    *Business weren't affected. Since, the act didn't clearly define its terms
    *Most businesses created a corporation to get around this law. Instead of a business owning another business, which is a monopoly
  • Red Record

    *Wells passion was telling the country of the awful happening in the south lynchings because she lost several friends
    *Effect was to raise awareness and option of the southern region on how African Americans were being treated
  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    *Plessy sat in whites only spot on the train car & refused to move
    *Ruling was "separate but equal" which means they all have the same rights but have to go to their own race
    *Segregation started
  • Yukon Gold Rush/ Klondike Gold Rush

    *Only 40,000 of 100,000 prospectors actually made it
    *4,00 found gold. But, only 200 became rich
    *Travelling was difficult due to rough terrain. & prospectors had to carry a year worth of supplies w/ them
    *Prospectors helped the economic development of the towns, by buying a lot of their supplies in the local stores.
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    Muckraker Journalism

    *Muckraker journalism was one magazine journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business & public life in the early 1900's
    *Journalists described immigrant ghettos and the poor living conditions of tenement housing
    *Muckraker condemned exploitation of child labor & white slave traffic in women
    *They exposed Rockefeller oil industry & his monopolist ways
    *Authors like Upton Sinclair exposed the meat packing industry which let to the meat packing act & pure good & drug act
  • The Jungle

    *Written by muckracking journalists Upton Sinclair
    *Focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago
    & to exploit the labor of men & women for profit
    *Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry
    *As result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous conditions, each local gov. passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection act and the pure food&drug act
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    *Prevented the manufacture sale and transportation of disgusting, mislabeled, poisonous food, drugs and medicine
    *Was the first of many consumer protection law
    *The law required to label any addictive drug, including alcohol, morphine, opium, cannabis,& cocaine
    *This law required Coca-Cola to remove the cocaine and replace it with caffine
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    Social Gospel

    *Settlement houses like the Hull House w/ Jane Addams & religious groups helped start the " social gospel movement"
    *They believed the churches had a duty to solve society's problems & preached salvation through service to the poor
    *They were criticized by others, believed the social gospel movement, because they did not believe their reforms could help
    *The progressive Era, inspired even more reforms acts, for example the (YMCA) & the inspiration of (WCTU)

    *National association for the advancement of colored ppl
    *An organization founded in1909 to promote full racial equality
    *Had over 6,000 members by 1914
    Established by Web Du
  • 16th Amendment

    *Allows the congress to levy an income tax on the people
    *Its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power toward the federal gov and away from the states
    *Progressive: favoring or advocating progress and change
    *Revenue: collective items of income of a person, state, etc
    *Tariff: tax or duty to be paid
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    Bull Moose Party

    *The founder of the Bull Moose Party was Theodore Roosevelt
    *He was defeated in the republic primaries & broke off
    *The party advocated women suffrage, worker men comp. , an 8hr workday, a min. wage for women, federal law against child labor & federal trade
  • Federal Reserve Act

    *Caused by the nations to strengthen how banks were run & quickly adjust amount of money in circulation&have enough money supply to keep up w/ the econ.
    *Gave 12 federal reserve banks the ability to print money in order to ensure economics stability
    *Helped create the federal reserve system & centralized banking known as "bankers bank"
    *Made the value of the U.S dollars stronger by influencing the economy
  • 18th Amendment

    *Caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating American's health and causing criminal activities
    *Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the U.S by declaring the production, transport, &sale of alcohol illegal
    *Instead of reducing crime, it created massive organized crime movements, and corrupted public officials who took bribes
  • 18 Amendment

    *Temperance: restraint+moderation from drinking prohibition nationwide ban of alcohol
    *Spark easy: illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    *Flapper: generation of young western women in 1920's who wore short skirts,bobbed hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their unacceptable behavior
  • 19th Amendment

    *Women wanted equality
    *Granted women the right to vote- a right known as suffrage
    *Helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of american life
    *Women advocated for jobs, fair wages, education, sex education, and birth control
  • 17th Amendment

    The senate of then U.S shall be composed of 2 senators from each state, elected by the people there of, for 6 yrs and each senator shall have 1 vote
    *It changed the theory about who senators represented, shifting the focus from state govs. to the residents of states
    *Direct elections: system of choosing political office holders in which the voters directly cast ballots for the person