Week Two

  • Period: to

    Harshing Working Condition 1820-1920

    10 cents an hour, 12-14 hours a day $8-10 a week
    -children paid less10cent an hour , for 14 hours a day
    -women received between 1/2 - 1/3 the pay of men
    - machine were heavy & dangerous , blacks smoke spit
    -workers were covered in black soot
    -work w workers who were sick or cuff
    -workers were abandoned if an accident occur , wages stop, no medical attention
    -children & women were abused
    -children had physic deformity , b/c lack of sunlight & exercise
  • Women's christian temperance union (WCTU)

    WCTU fought for prohibition , the banning of alcoholic beverage, wanted immigrants and poor city dwellers to uplift themselves.
    Frances wiland help transform the union from a small mid-western religion group to a national organization
    aroused tension between immigrants b/c their customs included alcohol consumption
  • Assassination of President James Garfield

    -Assassin was Charles J. Guiteau
    -shot at the president twice but only one bullet directly impacted him.
    -reason Charles shot him was he turned down from a job by the president, mentally, unstable and believe god told him
    -charles wrote a poem "i am goi ng to the lordy," to garfield about his own death.
    -Garfield about his own death
    -Garfield lived for a couple month , but died from infections
  • Pendleton Act

    patronage system is a practice in which a political party after winning an election gives gov. jobs to its supporters. merit system is the process of promoting and hiring gov. employees based on their ability to preform a job.
    pressure employees for companion contributions
    cause president Garfield was shot 2x by Charles guitun when turned a job down chaster arfavor become president
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    -The reason for this law was to make RR rates fair for all the customers.
    -The power of the basically to regulate RR prices.
    -This was the first law to regulate private industry in the U.S.
    -The importance of this law was to eliminate discrimination against small markets, and establishing a "reasonable and just price" standard.
    -The ICC was created to enforce regulations and investigate allegation such as fraud,deception,and discrimination towards private businesses.
  • Period: to

    Populist ("People") Party

    -their ideas were economic reason an increase in the money supply, a graduated income tax, 8 hrs workdays immigration restrictions and they wanted direct vote for senators
    -the causes for these ideas were b/c they wanted people to have a greater voice in their gov, and the populist programs kept alive the concept that the gov is responsible for reforming social injustices.
    -populist presentation candidate in1893 won almost 10% of the total vote but last to Grover Cleveland from democratic party
  • Yukon/ Klondike Gold Rush

    -only 40,000 of 100,000 prospectors actually made it.
    -4,000 find gold , but only 200 became rich.
    -traveling was difficult due to rough terrain & prospectors had to carry a year worth of supplies. -prospectors helped economics development of the town , by buying a lot of their supplies in local hardware stores,
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson was a landmark constitutional law cause of the u.s supreme court. it upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine "separate but equal". The u.s supreme court ruled the racially separate facilities, if equal, did not violate the constitutional 14 Amendment
    All railways companies carry both races. (whites & color race)
  • The Jungle

    -Written by muckraking journalists Upton Sinclair
    -focus was the human conditions in the stockyard of Chicago & to exploit the labor of men & women for profit
    -Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry.
    -as a result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous conditions, each local gov passed its own set a health codes as well as the meat inspection & the pure food & drug act
  • Pure food and Drug Act

    -provided federal inspection of meat product and forbade the manufacture,sale,or transportation of harmful food products& poisonous patent medicine-before the passage of law there was an regulations in how food was produced.-patent medicine that could stop hair loss or heal aching Joints were being recalled due to inspection for having harmful substances like opium, cocaine, morphine, -Muckrakers had successfully heightened public awareness of saftey issues stemming from careless food prepartion
  • 16 Amendment

    -allows the congress to levy an income tax on the people
    -its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power towards the federal gov and away from state gov.
    -progressive favoring or advocating progress and change -revenue collections items of income of a person ,stack,etc
    -tariff tax or duty to be paid
  • 17 Amendment

    -Senator of the U.S shall be composed of 2 senators from each state, elected the people theived, for 6 years, and each senator shall have one voice
    -it changed the theory about who senators represented , shifting the focus from state govs to the residents of states
    -direct elections system of choosing political office holders in which the voters directly case ballots for the person
  • Period: to

    Progressive Bull Moose Party

  • A 18 Amendment

    caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating Americans health & causing crimes activities
    -established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the us by declaring the production, transport and sale alcohol illegal
    -instead of reducing crime it caused massive organized crime movements and corrupted public officials who took bribes.
  • B 18 Amendment

    Temperance- restraint & moderation from drinking
    prohibition- nationwide ban of alcohol
    speakeasy illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    flappers- generations of young western women in 1920's who wore short shirts,bobbled hair,listened to jazz and flaunted their unacceptable behaviors
  • 19 Amendment

    women wanted equality. granted women the right to vote a right known as suffrage. helpef women move closer to equality in all species of American life. women advocated for jobs , fairer wages, education, sex education, and birth control