Week two

  • Period: to

    "The revolution"

    -focuses on women's rights & woman's suffrage
    -Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth cady Stanton both were publisher & editor
    -they established the revolution during a period when a split was developing within the woman's rights movement
    -together they provided leadership for ending slavery In the U.S in 1865
  • Womens christian temperance union

    -WCTU fought for prohibition, the banning of alcoholic beverages, wanted immigrants and poor city dwells to uplift themselves
    -frances Willard helped transform the union from small mid-western religious to a national organization
    -aroused tension between immigrants because their customs included alchohol consumption
  • Assasination of president james garfield

    -shot came from .44 British bulldog which the assassin Charles j. guiteau, ad purchased specifically because he thought it'd look impressive in a museum
    -he had killed Garfield because of the presidents refusal to appoint him to European consulship
    -the assassin was known around Washington as a emotionally disturbed man
    -he was convinced it was gods work
  • Pendleton act

    -patronage system is a practice in which political party after winning an election gives gov jobs to its supporters
    -merit system is the process of promoting and hiring gov employees based on their ability to preform a job
    -the cause was because president Garfield was shot two times by Charles guiteau whom he had been turned down from a job chester after he became president
    -the effect on society was officials could no longer pressure employees for campaign contributers
  • Interstate Commerce act of 1887

    -the act created a federal regulatory agency, which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations
    -first law to privately regulate industry in U.S
    -the power of the act is the railroads be "reasonable and just"
    -interstate commerce commission enforce the regulation and investigate allegations of fraud, deception and discrimination.
  • Period: to

    Harsh working conditions

    -the children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for more than 14 hours of working
    -women earned an average of $267 a year nearly half of mens average $498
    -employees were not entitiled to vacation, sick leave, unemployment compensation, or reimbursement for injuries suffered n the job
  • Sherman anti-trust act

    -purpose was to prohibit trust, trust were arrangements where stockholders transferred their shares to a single group of men
    -congress wanted to regulate interstate commerce and also prohibit monopolies and activities that hindered competition
    -first federal program for regulating private business
    -standard oil felt pressure from goverment
  • Period: to

    The Progressive era

    -the progressive era was a time of social and political reforms, during which corruption and social inequalities were exposed, and many changes were made to American society
    -progressive era was a time of reform such as inititave and refrendrum
  • Red record

    -Ida B. wells, one of the co-founders of the NAACP, wrote the red record
    -the central topic of this pamphlet was to inform everyone on how black people were being treated, for example people would get lynched
    -effect on society is the states began recognizing the seriousness of these subjects, and began taking action
  • Klondike Gold rush

    -100,000 people left to the Klondike region of the Yukon in north-western Canada
    -each person forced to bring a years worth of food to prevent starvation
    -supplies weighed a ton, broke down into parts and many didn't make it until summer of 1898
    -economy suffered from fires,high prices, & epidemics
    -han people suffered from a rush being moved to a reserve and many died
  • "The jungle"

    -author of book is a muckraker named Upton Sinclair
    -written to portray the harsh conditions and exploited lives of immigrants in the united states in Chicago and similar industrialized cities
    -concerned with the exposure of health violations and unsanitary practices in the American meat packaging industry during the early 20th century, which contributed to a public outery,the led to reforms including the meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act
  • Pure food and drug act

    -prevented the manufacture or sale of gross misbranded or poisonous food, drugs, or medicines
    -was the first of many consumer protection acts
    -law required labeling of any drugs hat are addictive including alcohol, morphine, opium, and cannabis
    -caused Coca-Cola to replace the cocaine in their product w/ caffeine
  • Period: to

    Social gospel

    -settlement houses like the hull house w/ jane Addams & religious groups helped start the "social gospel movement"
    -they believed that churches had a duty to solve societys problems & preached salvation through service to the poor
    -they were criticized by others, believed the social gospel movement, because they did not believe their reforms could help
    -the progressive era, inspired even more reform acts for example the "young mens Christian association" (ymca) & (wctu)

    Name founders- IDA B. Wells/ W.E.B. Du Morris
    Purpose of org.- to ensure the political, educational, social & equality of minority
    -group citizens of U.S
    -eliminate race prejudice
    Cause- to make whites aware of the need for racial equality
    Effect-first group in the U.S formed by people of African desendent to work for their rights
  • Period: to

    "bull moose"

    -the founder of the bull moose party is Theodore Roosevelt
    -he was defeated in the republican primaries and broke off
    -the party advocated women suffrage, workmens compensation, 8 hour work days, a minimum wage for women,federal law against child labor, and federal trade
  • 17th amendment

    -17th amendment allowed the people to choose and vote for who the senate will be
    -the effect of the amendment was a direct election, which is where citizens themselves vote for will be senator
    -patronage- giving government jobs to the people who helped the president get elected
  • Federal reserve act

    -nation needed a way to strengthen the ways in which banks were run
    -the act divided the nation into 12 districts and established a central bank in each district
    -the federal reserve banks could issue new paper currency in emergency situations and members banks could use the new currency to make loans to their customers
    -by 1923 roughly 70% of the nations banking resources were part of the federal reserve system
  • 18th amendment

    -the result of decades of effort by the temperance movement in the U.S
    -it led to the rise in organized crime as the bootlegging alcohol became an ever-more assertive operation
    -banned the sale and drinking of alchohol in the U.S
  • 16th amendment

  • 19th amendment

  • Plessy v. ferguson

    -black train passenger,home Plessey refused to sit in a Jim crow chair car, breaking a Louisiana law
    -by a 7-1 vote,the court said that state law that "implies merely a legal distinction" between the two races did not conflict with the 13th amendment forbidding involuntary servitude, nor did it reestablish such a condition
    -the discussion established the doctrine of "separate but equal" which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equality
  • Period: to

    Populist Party

  • Period: to

    Muckraker journalism

  • 18th amendment vocabulary

    Temperance- abstinence form alcoholic drinks
    Prohibition-legal act of prohibiting the manufactures storage in barrels, bottles, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages
    speak-easy- an illicit liquor store or nightclub
    flapper- a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standard of behavior