week 6

  • benito mussulini

    fascism was an authoritarian political movement that developed that developed in Italy and ether Europeans countries after 1919.
    fascisr program emphasized intense nationalism productivism, antisocialism, elitivism an the held for a stromg leader mussolini.
  • stain ussr

    joseph stain was a powerful communist leader in the early years of the soviet union. he was a dictator who terrorized the population and sent many people to prision and labor lamps.
  • japanese expantion

    japanese expasion began in 1931 with the invasion of machuria and continueed in 1937 a brutal attack
  • adolph hitler germany

    a dictatorship requires one person and one party to be in control of a nation and climate of fear.
    personal freedom dissipated in Nazi germany
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    advanced technology in ww11

    torpedoes was used to destroy submarines and ships from long distance, b/c bullets couldnt go far to do a lot of damage
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    advanced technology in ww11

    torpedoes was used to destroy submarines and ships from long distance, b/c bullets couldn't go far to do a lot of damage.
    bombing rids, were use to destroy anything in a certain area, such as factories that produce military equipment.
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    uolunteerism ww11

    At home- began blood donor services in america to produce lifesaving plasma for for the armed forces, served in hospitals, produced energy supplies, collected scrap ran victory gardens and maintain training programs.
  • german expansion

    the german invasion of western poland on 1 september 1939 led to WWII. between 1939 and 1941 the german army invaded and occupied many countries, includig netherlands,belgium, luxembourg.
  • gorge marshall

    throughout the war general gorge c. Marshall acted as chief of staff and the organizer of the victory. he worked closely with the president Roosevelt to urge military preparedness before pearl harbor.
  • m1 semi automatic

    the design of the m1 allowed the americans to fire shots against their german and japanese.
  • rationing

    rationing is the controlled distribuion of scarce resources goods
    rationing items were gasoline,tires,meat,butter and jellies.
    people had to use rationing goods which were issued to each family based on its size.
  • rosie riveter

    was a cultural icon during the second world war representing the women
  • executive order

    the document order the removal of resident enemy from parts of the west. after bombing pearl harbor by the japanese in 1941.
  • war bonds

    way to remove money from circulation as well as reduce inflation
    people would buy bonds and the gov
  • lend lease program

    gave the presiden the authority to sell lease lend or otherwise dispose of an defense article to any nation whose defense he considerd critical to that of the us
    neutrality by claming that loans
  • the navajo code talkers

    • navajo american indans were recruited by the military to encode, transmit, and decode messages.
  • higginsboats

    higgins boat was a landing craft used extensively in amphibious on world war 2.the craft was designed by andrew higgins on boats made for opperating swamps and marshes.
  • executive order

    the document order
    removal of president enemy from parts of the west
    after bombing pearl harbor by the japanese in 1941 roosevelt came under increase pressure by military and political.
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    victory corps

    the purpose of the student organization was to prepare high school students to aid in the war effort on home front.
  • bataan death march

    the baatan death m arch happend after the us surrenderd of the baatan peninselua it afffected the war tide in favor of the axis powers because aproximley 75,000 filipino and american troops on baatan
  • erwin rommel

    field marshall
    germans most popular general during wwii
    on dday he discused with other officers about surrendering
    due to his ties to the plot to over throw hitler he was murrderd.
  • korematsu vs u.s.

    was a land mark united states supreme court case concerning the consitutionality of executive order 9066, which ordered japanese americans into intenment camps during world war II regardless of citizenships.
  • post conference

    participants were the USSR the us and the UK
    -three powers presented by communist party general secretary
    Joseph Stalin prime minister Winston Churchill and president harry s Truman.
  • nuclear weapons

    in july 16,1945 president harry truman decided to use atomic bomb against japan . japan surednderd to world war 2.
  • women and minority

    while the men went to fight in the war the women were left to work in the factories. after the war men came back to reclaim their positions at factories but the woen didnt want to give them up.
  • pearl harbor

    the japanese royal navy launched a supinse attack the americans killing over 2,400 americans.
    destroyed 18 ships and 32 airplanes
  • pearl harbor

    the japanese royal navy launched a surprise attack against the americans killing over 2,400 americans and militian personal.
    destroyed 18 ships 32 airplane
  • roosie the river right

    was a cultural icon during wwII representing