
Hilary Putnam (born July 31, 1926—died March 13, 2016)

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Section 1-5 available on youtube.
  • Analytic Philosophy

    Analytic Philosophy
    In the 1970s, Putnam got disappointed with modern analytic philosophy. He thought it was too focused on science and big questions about reality and didn't pay enough attention to everyday stuff and moral questions. He believed that most philosophical problems were just misunderstandings caused by philosophers using everyday language in the wrong way, making things seem more complicated than they really were.
  • Semantic Externalism

    Semantic Externalism
    Hilary Putnam, a renowned philosopher, introduced the concept of "semantic externalism," challenging the conventional belief that word meanings are solely products of our thoughts. Putnam argued that words, like "water," don't just reflect our mental conceptions but also connect to the real world. (entire excerpt on text submission)
  • Brain in a Vat

    Brain in a Vat
    Hilary Putnam's Brain in a Vat (BIV) idea is a thinking experiment that makes us question what we really know. It imagines a person's brain hooked up to a computer, which makes us unsure about our grasp on reality. This shakes up our usual beliefs about what we're certain of and what we understand. Putnam's scenario reminds us that philosophy can make us think hard about what's real and what we truly know.
  • Rejection of Functionalism

    Rejection of Functionalism
    Hilary Putnam rejected functionalism, a theory in the philosophy of mind, because he believed it couldn't fully explain the mind. He argued that functionalism's reliance on mental states being purely calculation overlooked the importance of the physical brain and its role in shaping consciousness. Putnam's rejection emphasized the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the mind that considers both its functional and physical aspects.
  • Putnam Speaks

    Putnam Speaks
    Closing remarks from the man himself.
  • Citations

    Hilary Putnam (born July 31, 1926—died March 13, 2016) Brueckner, Tony. Brians in a Vat. Putnam's BIVs and the Disjunctive Argument. Oct 24, 2009. Section 2. Linsenmayer, Mark. Ep. 221: Functionalist Theories of Mind (Putnam, Armstrong) (Part One). July 15, 2019. Page 1. Matsu, Takaaki. Inferentialism and semantic externalism: a neglected debate between Sellars and Putnam. Aug 25, 2020. Page 1. Rey, Georges. Problems with the Distinction. 3.1 The Paradox of Analysis Aug 14, 2003. Page 1.