Week 3 timeline, HIS 101

  • Period: 250 BCE to 224

    Parthian Empire

    Was a big enemy to the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire. Is now called Persia.
  • 100 BCE

    Posiedon of Melos

    He is a Byzantine Icon used for veneration of the illiterate. Icons were used by the ruling class to spread their ideals. Over time, icons began to become worshipped rather than venerated.
  • 300


    Is conquered by Alexander the Great in the 4th century. Land, resources, and trade were major factors in the fights between the Persians and Byzantines. The fights between them weaken both powers.
  • Period: 600 to 700

    Early Islamic Expansion

    The Muslim religion rises up and conquers North Africa from Byzantine and all of Persia due to their vulnerability from fighting. At one point it looks like Byzantium itself may fall to the Muslims. The southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea was controlled by the Muslims as they continued expanding. By 750 AD, Byzantine had been reduced dramatically due to their expansion.
  • Period: 700 to 843


    Was an attack on icons that began in the 8th century. Iconoclasm claimed it was theology based when in reality it was about politics. Icons were burned, defaced, and destroyed as a way to break the power of the wealthy.
  • 717

    Battle of Constantinople

    Muslims launched a fleet against the capital Constantinople. In the return, the Byzantines used Greek Fire to destroy the Muslim Navy. After the Byzantine victory, the advance of Islam into southern Europe is delayed.
  • 843

    Empress Theodora

    She was the reason iconoclasm was brought to an end after her husband, Theopilos died. When Theopilos died, their son, Michael III became emperor, but due to his age, Theodora acted as regent. As regent, she allowed icons to return as objects of veneration.
  • 867


    Went to Constantinople to make a life for himself. He was a peasant. In Constantinople, he becomes a champion wrestler and grabs the attention of Emperor Michael III. Michael has him marry his mistress, and then makes him co-emperor. Basil then had Michael killed so that he could rule alone.
  • Period: 867 to 1056

    Macedonia Dynasty

    Seems to improve things for the Byzantines after Islamic expansion. Begins with a young man named Basil.