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Charles Darwin Week 3

  • Birth

    Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
  • Period: to

    H.M.S. Beagle Voyage

    Darwin studied and compared organisms in different countries and found that there were similarities and differences based on their location. Darwin's finches were one of these animals. He concluded that these birds were all passerine birds but had adapted to better live in their habitats.
  • Natural Selection

    Darwin began to contemplate natural selection based on his observations on the voyage, but felt he needed more time to research the theory before sharing it publicly.
  • Origin of The Species was published

    After reading an essay by Alfred Russel Wallace, Darwin decided it was time to make his theory public. In On Origin of The Species By Means of Natural Selection, Darwin insisted that organisms evolve over time through natural selection and that natural selection was the reason for diversity among plants and animals.
  • Death

    Downe, United Kingdom
  • Period: to

    Paradigm Shift - Evolutionary Biology

    Darwin's theory spread across the globe and caused shift away from physics and chemistry as being the core of sciences. Evolutionary biology took their place as his theory unified life sciences.