Bishop Ussher
Using biblical chronology, he calculated that the creation of Heaven and Earth was in 4004 B.C. -
Spontaneous Generation
New intruments of magnification in scientific research. Physician Franccesco Redi, shows why maggots often crop in putrefied meat. -
Carl von Linne, writing under the name of Linnaeus, attempts to classify all life on Earth. This system divides life into kingdoms, lasses, orders, genera, and species. He influated Carles Darwin. Compering this sytem to Darwin's this system doesn't imply the "Tree of Life" this is a reflection of God's intent. -
Comte de Buffon
In his Natural History, George Louis Leelere, Comte de Buffon speculates that living creatures evolve according to natural laws.Buffon also suggested that human and apes are related and that all life has descender from a single ancestor. -
Natural theology
William Paley's Natural Theology says that not only God's existence but also his attributes are manifest in the in the intricate from nature. -
Jean-Baptist Lamarck proposed that living things evolve to become more complex through time. He says that some "vital forces" within creatures help them to adapt to their environments. -
Goerge Cuvier attempts to explain the construction of canals and mines in the early 19th century unearth fossils of bizarre and extinct creatures. He argues that great floods and earthquakes wiped out certain life in the distant past and that modern creatures are far too complex to have evolved naturally. -
Charles Lyell helps and idea by arguing that slow-moving, gradual processes explain Earth's geology. Lyell becomes a mentor himself to Charles Darwin and apply notion of gradual change to his theory of how species evolve. -
Beagle Voyage
Charles Darwin begins his voyage around the world. But five years later, he changed. He committed to a life in science.He returned with particulary fossils from South America and creatures grom the Galapagos Islands. Those thigs became his basis of ideas about evolurion. -
The fossil of a skull in Germany Neander Valley causes debate over whether all humans are the dirct descenders from Adam and Eve. Neanderthal fossils will later make a debate over human evolution. -
Alfred Russel Wallace has a theory of how species might evolve, so he writes Darwin. Darwin was shocked, because it struck upon the theoty of natural selecction, that Darwin has been researching for 20 years. -
Origin of Species
Darwin published a book called The Origin Of Spices. He took 23 years to publish it. It talks about that domestic animals evolve from breeding or "artificial selection" and that species in the wild evolve by "natural selection". -
Ape debate
On the Origin of Species does not address human elvolution, so critics assume that Darwin thinks humans are no exception. All critics attack Darwin's theory for bestilizing human kind. Thomas Henry Huxley tries to help Darwin. But this issue of human evolution remains a stumbling block for Darwinism. -
Evolution Accepted
Some scientist continue to reject the idea of evolution but a few years after Darwin's book was published, evolution became mainstream science. Darwin's evolution theory continues to be doubted. -
Descedent of man
Darwin's book (The Origin of Species) also says the importance of "sexual selection" in driving the evolution life, to pass along traits to future generations. It says that individuals must be not only fit to survive, but also irresistible to the opposite sex. -
Horse Fossils
Othniel Charles Marsh has rescently descovered fossils of an ancient horse. Huxley and Marsh piece together and they find the sory of evolution of the modern horse from a four-toed ancestor. They predicted that a five-toed animal likely existed and months later fossils of this animal (Eohippus) are founded. -
Darwin's burial
Darwin's body is laid to rest in a place of honor, neer the grave of Sir Issac Newton, in England. Britain leading politicians, scientists, and clergy attend to the burial. -
Physicist Antonie Henri Becquerel discovered the radioactivity. He leads the calculation of Earth's age. New rock-dating techniques show that Earth is more than 4.3 billion years old! -
Piltdown Man
The fossil skull called Piltdown Man seems to be a missing link between humans and other primates. But in the 1920s is revealed that the fossil is fake. -
First Anti-evolution Bill
Six Southern an dborder states consider anti-evolution proposals. In Oklahoma, a ban is placed on a public school textbooks that teach the Darwin Theory of Creation. In Florida, resolution declares "It is improperand subversive to the best interest of the people to teach as true Darwinism or any hypothesis that links man in blood relationship to any form of lower life." -
Man Like Ape
Raymond Dart announces that a prehistoric "man-like ape" has been found in a limestone quarry at Taungs, South Africa. The fossils are found along woth a skull of an ancient baboon that has a mysterious opening. Dart says that the "man-like ape" killed the baboon and extract it's brain for food. -
fearing loss of sales in South and West, publishers remove references to evolution grom biology textbooks. -
Anti-evolution Bills
35 new anti-evolution bills proposed in 29 states, and 3 states pass laws. In 1930s many areas passed some from restriction on teaching evolution. Once in place, no Southern ant-evolution legislation is repealed for 40 years. -
Tennessee bill
The Tennessee ligislature passes a bill that makes it a misdemeanor for public schools teachers to teach any theory that denies the sory of the Devine Creation of man, so to teach insted thatman haddescended from a lower order of animal. Most of the taxpayerss oppose teaching evolution. Then Governor Austin Peay signs the bill into law and this law draws comment from around the nation. -
Neo Darwinism
Scientists now understand that random genetic mutation can cause changes in th etraits of organisms, and that such inherited changesare then sread throughout a population by the cechanism Darwin called natural selection. -
Evolution Shunned
Within textbooks effectively censored by commercial concerns and many anti-evolutionist rulings and regulations in place, the teaching of evolution hits a low point. Once concerned scientist later estimates that less than half of all high school science teachers in the early 1940s taught anything about evolution. -
Supreme court
For much of America history, the Constitutional limit on the establishment of religion was interupted to mean only that government should not give explicit preference to any denomination. But in 1947, the Supreme COurt rules that niether a state nor the federal government cna pass laws which aid one religion. -
Pope Pius XII
In his paper on human origins, Pope Pius XII considers evolution as a serious hypothesis worthy of in-depth study. He leads the way for Catholics to accept human evolution. -
Origins of Life
A young graduate student named Stanley Miller produces amino acids (key chemical building blocks of life). This experiments indicate that the first life on Earth may have arisen through natural processes. -
Genes determine the traits of liiving things and that they are passed trough generations. But they discover that double-helis structure of DNA to unlock the details of what genes are and how they work. -
Human and Apes
Compering the DNA of humans, orangutans, and African apes (gorillas and chimps), Vincent Sarich and Allen Wilson found out that humans are 98% chimps and 2% pure human. -
Supreme Court on Evolution
Push for a better science education, lawsuits begin challenging anti-evolutionist legislation in the South. A young biology teacher named Susan Epperson volunteered for the cause. The case eventually reaches the Supreme Court which rules the Arkansas law unconstitutional. Then they put an end to laws that barring the teaching of evolution in public schools. -
DNA Codes
For many decades, reading the sequence of letters in DNA was a painstaking process. But new technology now makes DNA sequencing relatively easy and inexpensive. -
Textbook Disclaimer
The school board of Tangipahora Parish, says that evrything that is going to be teached to the children about evolution, they need to know that is not the Biblical Version of creation.
A biology texts must note that evolution is "controversial" and "a theory, not a fact". -
Pope John Paul II
Pius XII opened the door for Catholis acceptance of evoluion. Now Pope John Paul II writes: "It is indeed remarkable, that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series od discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, niether sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in our favor of this theory". -
Science Standards
Twelve states show the world of "evolution" and four avoid topics of evolution completely. Then the studies of the U.S sended a note: "Scientist and science teaches do well to keep in mind that a large majority of Animals believe that faith in god is the surest way to eppriciate the wonder and grandeur of life itself. Schools need to recognize and honor that faith. -
Human Genome
With the forst draft of the sequence of the humansenome complete, scientists see more than ever before how intimately related the human species is to other life on Earth. Genomics gives scientists new tools for understanding how humans, along with all living organisms, have evolved over billions of years.