week 3 timeline 1

  • Karl Popper: Austrian-British philosopher

    Popper was born on July 28th, 1902 in Vienna Austria.
  • Popper's first publication

    In 1934, Popper published "The Logic of Scientific Discovery". One of the main parts in his book is falsification. Falsification is part of the scientific method. When a scientist proposes new ideas you have to find out if he or she is correct, part of that is trying to dis prove or prove there idea wrong. that is falsifiability
  • Karl Popper passed

    Karl Popper passed in London on September 17, 1994 at the age of 92. Karl passed of cancer.
  • Contribution

    Without Poppers ideas, especially falsification we wouldn't be where we are today in terms of scientific knowledge. Falsification is beyond important to the scientific method, part of proving your ideas correct is finding the flaws in the idea, trying to prove it false. If you cant prove it false then there's a good chance it is correct.
  • MLA

    “The Logic of Scientific Discovery.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 May 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Logic_of_Scientific_Discovery.