The Birth of Charles Darwin
Charels Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, to his mother and father Susannah and Robert Darwin. He was the fifth of six children his parents had. At the ripe age of eight years old, his mother Susannah Darwin passed away due to gastrointestinal symptoms that were probably a sign of either a severe ulcer or stomach cancer. Because of this, his sisters had to raise his till he went off to school. -
Beginning University
After the death of his mother, a year later, at the age of nine, he was sent to a Shrewsbury school known as Edinburgh. He only spent three years there due to the fact that he was a terrible student and could not handle the sight of blood. So, he transferred to Cambridge University where he discovered his interest natural history. -
HMS Beagle
In August of 1831, Charles Darwin is invited to join Captain Fitzroy on a voyage to South America. This voyage lasted five years and they went all around the world. This gave Charles the opportunity at only twenty-two-year-old, to see the world and study animal and plant life as well as geology. -
The Origin of Species
At sixty years old, Charles Darwin has gathered all the information he needed for his first book and publishes "The Origin of Species". He introduces natural selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races. He then goes through life publishing extensions of "The Origin of Species". These books were called: "The Descent of Man" (1871), "The Expression of The Emotions" (1872), "Insectivorous Plants" (1875), and "The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Actions of Worms" (1881). -
The Death of Charles Darwin
After finishing his last book in 1881, Charles Darwin suffered an agonizing death a year later. After a heart attack on Christmas, he suffered from seizures. His family and colleagues arranged his ceremonial funeral and burial to be in Westminster Abbey along with other great scientist and well-known contributors to society.