Charles Darwin was Born
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, In Shrewsbury, Shropshire England. His father was Robert Darwin, a wealthy medical Doctor, and his mother was Susannah Darwin. Born into a wealthy family Charles was 5 out of 6 kids. He went on to study medicine as an adult. Unfortunately, he was unable to finish this education due to him no being able to see blood. He went moved on to Christ's College to be a minister. He got bored with that and moved on to study botany. -
The Voyage
As he finished his degree, Charles was offered a position on the HSM Beagle. This ship was going to survey the cost of South America and other countries on the way. Through his voyage, he was able to read and expand his knowledge. He would read the geological theories of Charles Lyell of gradual changes through the ages. This book was fundamentally how Charles began theorizing and noting his finding in his journal. -
The Voyage Ends
Throughout his expedition, he was able to examine different fossils. Some of the fossils resembled living creatures. As he traveled around, he noticed that similar birds had different coloring or adaptations according to the locations. As he traveled from island to island he noticed subtle differences in the animals he encountered. He examined Turtles and Finches and noted the differences. With all the information he then began to work on his theory and returned home after a five-year voyage. -
Origin of Species
"The Origin of Species other countries by Means of Natural Selection" was published on Nov 24, 1859. The theory of natural selection/ Survival of the fittest is the theory that favorable geans were passed to the next generation while the unfavorable jeans would die. The ability for an animal to adapt to its surrounding played a big part in the survival of a species and passing on of positive traits. -
Charles Darwin Died
At the age of 73, Charles Darwin Died from a heart attack. He's one of five non-royal in the UK to have a state funeral. He was buried in Westminister Abbey with other famous scientists. His brilliant theory of evolution helped prove other theories. It also helped to explain the passing of traits from one to the other. It also helped expand our knowledge and start a scientific revolution. -
It's ok to be smart: Video on evoulution
A Video on evolution and natural selection https://youtu.be/c_jyHp3bmEw -
“Charles Darwin.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 19 June 2019, www.biography.com/scientist/charles-darwin. Darwin, Charles. A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World: the Voyage of the Beagle. Skyhorse Publishing, 2014. Desmond, Adrian J. “Charles Darwin.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15 Apr. 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Darwin.