Week 3-The 17th Century

  • Self Portrait

    Self Portrait
    This self portrait depicts Judith Leyster in her profession. The painting is 29 3/8 × 25 5/8 in and done in oil on a canvas. The colors are all neutral but the lighting puts Leyster’s face as the focal point for the audience. A self portrait which depicts herself painting shows that she was not going to let her gender affect what she was going to do in her life. She put herself in fine clothing and well put together expressing her professionalism and femininity, but also her strength.
  • Portia Wounding Her Thigh

    Portia Wounding Her Thigh
    This is an oil painting done in reds, greens, and blues by Elisabetta Sirani who died young. This painting in particular shows a woman wounding herself with a sewing needle. While Portia is the main focus of the painting, her leg wound, and hand are where the eyes drift to. This painting depicts the struggle women had to be taken seriously. There needed to be proof that women could handle the affairs and conversation of men and that is what this painting shows.