Week 2 Timeline

  • 5000 BCE


    Bananas originated from a wild plant that began to be cultivated during this time. Bananas spread as a crop as far as the Middle East.
  • 3000 BCE


    Aksum was a trade post that was also a wealthy kingdom that dealt with the trade of fine products such as gold and jewels.
  • 2500 BCE


    Polaris is also known as the Little Dipper and was used to navigate at night as it was a way to determine which way was North. This technology helped many ships navigate to their destination.
  • 2000 BCE


    Production of Dates spread around as far as North Africa
  • 1869 BCE


    A canal connecting the Nile to the Red Sea made trade more convenient as a short cut.
  • 917 BCE

    Indian Ocean Network

    Trade along this route was mainly dictated by weather. Monsoon winds assisted the sailing across the ocean. This route was ideal for bulk exchanges as the ships could hold more than camels.
  • 600 BCE


    This civilization was able to build cargo ships that were a great technology for its time. They were called Gauli for its shape of hauls, and were able to hold nearly 20 men with living quarters.
  • 600 BCE


    The Kamal was a small board that helped pilots determine that latitude of their location, this could be determined by holding the tool between a certain star that the horizon.
  • 500 BCE


    Hanno, an Admiral form the Phonencian city of Carthage. He was able to sail with a crew around western africa. Hanno recorded the earliest known recording of Africa.
  • 400 BCE


    Palmyra was a post of trade where many different cultures could be found being brought by many merchants. This post connected the Silk Road and the Increase Road.
  • 332 BCE


    This city was a hub of trade, established by Alexandria the Great.
  • 330 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander concurred empires and was able to spread Greek and Helenistic culture.
  • 275 BCE


    This Egyptian port city was a center for international trade including India.
  • 206 BCE

    Silk Road

    China exported large amounts of Silk to other destinations. The main trade route that was used to the Mediterranean, the middle east and China was named the Silk Road.
  • 150 BCE


    Egyptian ceramics were found in the Roman empire and was exported to many other lands.
  • 100 BCE

    Camel Saddle

    This important technology improved travel on land trade routes. The saddle distributed weight and made riding more comfortable.