The Revolution
-This newspaper was established by woman's rights activist Susan B,Anthony and Elizabeth Cady stanton
-It's primarily focused on women rights,especially woman's suffrage,is the right of women to vote in elections
-It gave Stanton and Anthony a means for expressing their views about the issues being disputed when it would have been difficult for them to make their voiced heard
-It helped them strengthen their movement and prepare the way for an organization represent women's rights -
Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
-WCTU fought for prohibition,the banning of alcoholic beverages,wanted immigrants and poor city dwellers to uplift themselves
-Francis Willard help transform the union from a small Mid-Weston religious group to a national organization
-Aroused tension between immigrants because their customs included alcoholic consumption -
Assassination of president James Garfield
-Shot came from .44 British Bulldog which the assassin Charles. J Guiteau,had purchased specifically because he thought it would look impressive in a museum.
-He had killed Garfield because of the president refusal to appoint him to a European consulship
-the assassin was known around Washington as a emotionally disturbed man
-Ha was convinced that is a gods work -
Pendleton Act
Patronage system is a practice in which a political party after winning an election gives gov. jobs to its supporters
-Merit system is the process of promoting and employers based on their ability to perform a job
_cause>presidential garfield was shot two times by charles guitcun whom turned a job down chester arthour became president
-Effect>officials could no longer pressure employees for campaign contributions -
Interstate commerce Act of 1887
-The act created a federal regulatory agency,which it charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations
-First law to regulate private industry in U.S
-The power of the act is to the railroads rates be ''reasonable and just''
-Interstate commerce commission (ICC)-Enforce the regulation and investigate allegations of fraud,deception and discrimination. -
Harsh Working Conditions
-The children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for fourteen hours a day of working
-Women earned an average of $267 a year nearly half of mens average $498
-Employees were not entitled to vacation,sick leave,unemployment compensation,or reimbursements for injuries suffered on the job -
Sherman Antitrust Act
-purpose was to prohibit trust,trust were arrangements where stockholders transferred their shares to a single group of men.
-Congress wanted to regulate interstate commerce and also prohibit monopolies and activities that hindered competition.
-First federal program for regulating private business.
-Standard oil felt pressure from government
-Andrew Carnegie>Accumulation of great wealth by a few in any capitalist society -
The Progressive Era
-The progressive Era was a time of social and political reforms,during which corruption and social inequalities were exposed,and many changes were made to american society
-Progressive Era was a time of reform such as the initiative and referendum(vote) -
Populist Party
Platforms:Graduated income tax 8hr work day>Restriction in immigration>popular vote for senators
-Cause demanded reforms to lift the burden of debt from farmers and other workers & give ppl a greater voice in the gov.
-Candidates republican party-William mckinley;president
Democratic party-william vennings bryan:congressman
The populist party was dosly related to granger movement(The framers movement) -
Red Record
-Ida B.wells,one of the co-founders of the NAACP,wrote the red record
-The central topic of this pamphlet was to inform everyone on how black pepole were being treat for example some would get lynched,some of the states would treat them horribly like Alabama,Louisiana,Mississippi,south Carolina,and Texas,and what they would be punished for.
-The red records effect on society is the states began recognizing the seriousness of these subjects,and began taking action. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
-Black train passenger,Homer plessy refused to sit in a Jim crow car,breaking a Louisiana law
-By a 7-1 vote,tyhe court said that a state law that ''implies merely a legal distinction''between the two races did not conflict with the 13th amendment forbidding involuntary servitude,nor did it reestablish such a condition
-The discussion established the doctrine of ''separate but equal ''which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equality -
Klondike Gold Rush
-The Klondike Gold Rush was an event of migration by an estimate 100,000 people prospecting to the Klondike region of North-western Canada only 30,000 actually made it to the Klondike
-Gold was discovers in many rich deposited along the Klondike river
-Newspaper created a hysteria that was nation-wide and many people quit their jobs and then left for the Klondike to become gold diggers
-Many did not find gold many made money off the hardware store selling top the prospectors -
The Jungle
-Published februaery26,1906
-Author of the book is a muckraker named Upton Sinclair
-Written to portray the harsh conditions and exploited lives of immigrants in the united states in Chicago and similar industrialized cities
-Concerned with the exposure of health violations and unsanitary practices in the american meat packaging industry during the early 20th century,which contribution to a public outery,that led to reforms including the meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act -
Pure Food and Drug Act
-The cause of the pure food and drug act was because of all the muckrakers like Upton Sinclair writing stories on the working conditions and how filthy the factories were
-The power of the pure food and drug act is to protect the public against adulteration of food and form products identified as healthful without scientific support
-The pure food and drug act they had the responsibility of testing all foods and drugs destined for human consumption,and requirement for prescriptions -
Social gospel
-Settlement houses like the hull house with James Addams and religious groups helped start the ''social gospel movement''
-They believe that churches had a duty to solve society problem and preached salvation through service to the poor
-They were criticized by others believed the social gospel movement because they did not believe their reforms could help.
-The progressive Era,inspired even more reform activities for example women christian temperance union -
National Association For the Advancement of colored people(NAACP)
-W.E.B Du Bois,Ida B.Wells
-Founded to fight the plessy v. Ferguson
-Fought for equal rights of African Americans
-The NAACP's principak objective is to ensure political,educational,social and economic equality of all minority groups and eliminate racism and the barriers of racial prejudice -
Progressive Party (Bull Moose)
-The founder of the bull moose party is Theodore Roosevelt
-He was defeated in the republic primaries and broke off
-The party advocated women suffrage,workmen compensation an eight hour work day,a minimum wage for women,federal law against child labor,and federal trade -
17th Amendment
-17th amendment allowed the people to choose and vote for who the state senate will be
-The effect of the 17th amendment was direct election,which is where citizens themselves vote for who will be senator
-Patronage-giving government jobs to the people who helped the president get elected -
Federal Reserve Act
-Nation needed a way to strengthen the ways in which banks were run
-The act divided the nation into 12 districts and established a central bank in each district
-The federal reserve banks could issue new paper currency in emergency situations and members banks could use the new currency to make loans to their customers
-By 1923 roughly 70% of the nations banking resources were part of the federal reserve system -
18th Amendment
-The 18th amendment was the result of decades of effort by the temperance movement in the u.s
-It led to rise in organized crime,as the bootlegging of alcohol became an ever-more iverative operation
-Banned the sale & drinking or alcohol in the u.s
-The amendment took effect in 1919 and was a huge failure -
19th Amendment
-women wanted equality
-Granted women the right to vote-a right known as suffrage
-Helped women move more closer to equality in all aspects of american life
-Women advocated for jobs,fairer wages,education,sex education,and birth control -
18th Amendment Vocabulary
Temperance-abstinence from alcoholic drink
prohibition-legal act of prohibiting the manufacture storage in barrels,bottles,transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages
speak-easy-an illicit liquor store or night club
Flapper-a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standard of behavior