Missouri Compromise
-end of political rivalry triggered by Missouri wanting to join Union as slave state
-important because it delayed slavery for a short time even though it did not completely vanish -
Monroe Doctrine
-policy that warned European nations that United States would no longer allow the formation of colonies
-improved tensions between United States and Britain
-gave United States a foundation to have power and control over a good amount of countries in Latin America -
Battle of the Alamo (end date)
-lifechanging event in Texas Revolution
-Mexican troops launched battle against Alamo Mission in San Antonio -important because it was key in Texas' battle for independence -
Panic of 1837
-financial crisis in United States
-employment went up, but wages went down
-Van Buren blamed for this event and not reelected
-recession continued for about 7 years
-state bank system never fully recovered -
Trail of Tears (end date)
-Native Americans were forced from their homes and moved to somewhere west of the Mississippi
-one of the most tragic events in history
-one of the worst human rights disasters -
Sutter's Fort
-trade colony in Mexican Alta California province
-Sutter got land grant from Mexico, which is now Sacramento
-Sutter important in start of Bear Flag Republic
-eventually made California a state -
Pre-Emption Act
-permitted squatters to purchase government owned land before it was available to public
-gave rights to squatters -
Bear Flag Revolt (end date)
-small group of Californians rebelled against Mexican government and declared California an independent republic
-made Bear Flag official state flag of California -
United States-Mexican War (end date)
-war between United States and Mexico started because Texas' annexation
-United States gained control of many modern-day states including California, Colorado, Arizona, etc. -
Compromise of 1850
-compromise between North and South
-slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C.
-views of North and South were finally settled -
Fugitive Slave Law
-laws passed by United States Congress to provide safe return for slaves who escaped one state and entered another
-compromised free and slave states
-prevented secession of states where slavery was legal -
Gadsden Purchase (end date)
-agreement between United States and Mexico where United States had to pay Mexico for portion of their land that is now Arizona
-we now have Arizona as one of the 50 states -
Dred Scott Decision (end date)
-decision by United States Supreme Court on labor and constitutional law
-Dred Scott was a slave and he was not considered a citizen and could not petition court -
Harper's Ferry (end date)
-armed abolitionist tried to initiate a slave revolt by taking over United States arsenal
-affected election of 1860
-important impetus of Civil War
-helped make any further association between North and South -
South Carolina secedes
Seceded because (in order from most to least):
-states' rights
-Lincoln's election
-slavery -
Bleeding Kansas (end date)
-violent political confrontations in United States involving issue of slavery
-pushed apart the North and the South
-one of the causes of Civil War -
Mississippi secedes
Seceded because (in order from most to least):
-Lincoln's election
-states' rights -
Florida secedes
Seceded because:
-slavery -
Alabama secedes
Seceded because:
-slavery -
Georgia secedes
Seceded because (in order from most to least):
-economic issues
-states' rights
-Lincoln's election -
Louisiana secedes
Seceded because:
-slavery -
Texas secedes
Seceded because (in order from most to least):
-states' rights
-military protection
-Lincoln's election -
Virginia secedes
Seceded because:
-Lincoln's call for United States troops to put down rebellion -
Arkansas secedes
North Carolina secedes
Seceded because:
-social structure
-intra-state sectionalism
-industrial organization -
Tennessee secedes
Seceded because:
-feared Lincoln would abolish slavery -
Emancipation Proclamation (end date)
-executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln that said slaves shall be freed
-paved way for complete abolition of slavery -
-largest battle of Civil War and fought in North America
-made history because of its importance
-turning point of war
-Lincoln used Gettysburg to justify cost of war -
Gettysburg Address
-speech by Abraham Lincoln, stating principles of human equality
-very influential speech
-to the point and short
-laid out ideas in the Declaration of Independence -
Civil War (end date)
-war between Union and Confederacy
-battle about issue of slavery
-determined what kind of nation America would become -
13th Amendment
-"neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"
-created constitutional amendment that abolished slavery in all states -
14th Amendment
-grants citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States"
-civil rights/liberties
-states cannot deprive people of life -
15th Amendment
-"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
-gave African-American men voting rights
-pivotal moment in history
-allowed most African-American men to be elected into office