Week #1 - Use of technology in grade school

  • Slide Projector

    Slide Projector
    It was in my freshman year, probably in 2002, when the photo teacher was using the slide projector to show us the pictures.
  • Televisions & VHS

    Televisions & VHS
    Also, in my early high school years, when teachers wanted to show a documentary or instructional videos, they had to roll in the TV with the big cassettes to insert it to the VHS.
  • Transparency Projector

    Transparency Projector
    During my sophomore and junior year, my science and math teachers used the transparencies in their classrooms.
  • Projectors

    During my senior year of high school, more teachers were using projectors. Not only for movies during class but for instructional purposes as well.
  • Computer Class

    Computer Class
    By the time I was a senior, teachers were preparing us for the real world we would embark. Computer Class was mandatory and those were the first computers I used. The colorful apple desktops.