
Week 1 Archimedes

  • 287 BCE

    Archimedes Born 287 Bc Died 212 BC

    Archimedes of born in 287 Bc in Syracuse. On the coast of Southern Italy
  • 287 BCE

    Lifes work

    He created my inventions and philosophies over his life time, such as the Archimedes Principle, Archimedes Screw Archimedes Death Ray just to name a few.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE

    Life of Archimedes

    A lot in not known about Archimedes, because of no one really focused on his life, but what the invented, and most of the information that we have on him is second had information.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE

    Lifes Work

    To Start the Archimedes Principle states that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether full or partially submerged is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and acts in the upward direction at the center of mass of displaced fluid.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE

    Life Work

    Archimedes' Screw is a machine historically used for transferring water from low-lying body of water into ditches. The concept of this invention is still used today in the oil fields.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE

    Link to Archimedes Screw

  • Period: 212 BCE to 212 BCE


    Died by the hands of a Roman he was around the age of 75 years old