WebQuest U.S. manned space Shianye Smith

By Shinaye
  • The Mercury program

  • Apollo program

    Apollo program
  • Yuri a gagarin was the first man to go up in space

    Yuri a gagarin was the first man to go up in space
  • First moon flight

    First moon flight
    Apollo Program
  • President challedged the nation to moon

    The president that challedged the nation going to the moon was John F. Kennedy. He said that could get man to the man to the moon before the end of the 1960's
  • John Glenn was the first man to orbit the earth

    John Glenn was the first man to orbit the earth
    he was 77 years old when he went up to space. The oldest astronaunt.
  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy the 35th president of the U.S. was assassinated

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy the 35th president of the U.S. was assassinated
  • First Landing on the moon

    First Landing on the moon
    The astronaunts for the first landing on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
  • EVA

  • Gemini Project

    Gemini Project
  • Significants of the apollo fights

    Significants of the apollo fights
    The significants of the apollo fights were to see who would put man on the moon first and reach the moon.