Period: to
New Apollo
Werner Von Braun
He built the frst rocket right before Christmas 1942. -
Ham and Hominidae
They were the first monkeys in space. -
Sputnik Satellite
It left earth at 7:28pm. It left 2 months before the America`s satellite,causing Russia to lead the space race. -
Lakia, First Dog In Space
Laika came from Russia and was a Husky Terrior mix. -
Allen Shepard, First American In Space
Allen Shepard was the first american in space he left earth on Jauary1, 1961 in the Freedom 7. -
Yuri Gagarin, First Man In Space
Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space he left earth on April 12, 1961. He was Russian which means that the Russians had the lead in the space race. -
Appolo Missions
The first Appolo mission was launched October 27, 1949 -
First Women in Space
She is 78 right now -
John Glenn, First man orbit
John Glenn was the first man to orbit the earth