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Web Redevelopment Project

  • Complete draft for "about pages" and policy pages

    Current About Page Review and rewrite current about pages for the Heard site.
  • Divisional libraries begin review and inventory of individual library web sites

  • Usability group commences next round

    Prepare for usabiltiy tests for the next generation of wireframes. Testing will take place in October.
  • Text for links to CentreSource

    Sample Wireframe Fill in the Latin with text for links. This text will be used for further development of the wireframes. NB: Changes to the text is likely.
  • ILL revisions complete

  • Consolidated "about" pages

    Current About Pages Content for about pages vetted.
  • Policy pages, vetted

    Policy pages for the new Heard site have been drafted. Reivew and approval will be completed by 9/15/2012.
  • Receive news sets of wireframes

    Receive updated wireframes from CentreSource
  • User Testing, Month of October

    Test users (closed card sort test, paper prototyping test) with the next generation wireframes.
  • User Testing, completed

    Complete testing with user groups on updated wireframes
  • Wireframe revisions

  • content review complete, content revised

    Review divisional library web pages for unique content. Unique content identified and re-written for placement in new pages.
  • HTML guides converted to LibGuides