Web Development

  • 1 CE

    Web Developer Job

    As a web developer, you must create websites and redesign websites to make them look better. You will also need them to run efficiently so the page doesn't take too long to load. The tools you will use are chrome devtools, html, and many others. You may need to learn javascript or css to make websites too.
  • First WAN created

    First WAN created
    First wide area network ever created
  • First message ever sent on the internet

    First message ever sent on the internet
    The message sent was the word login over the internet's predecessor ARPANET
  • HTML invented

    HTML invented
    Tim Berners-Lee invents HTML to make websites
  • First Search engine created

    First Search engine created
    ALIWEB was the first search engine, with links to the web's contents
  • First landing page created

    First landing page created
    MTV launched their website, with the first landing page createed
  • Internet users doubled

    Internet users doubled
    The number of websites rose over 10 times, and there were 36 million users worldwide.
  • Flash invented

    Flash invented
    Flash was invented, allowing for easy creation of animations, even though they took a while to load
  • Wordpress Launched

    Wordpress Launched
    Wordpress, the even now still leading content managing system was created
  • MySpace created

    MySpace created
    MySpace was the first social media and started the trend of social medias
  • Responsive Design Created

    Responsive Design Created
    Responsive design allows for a website to look the same on any screen and layout