• Boot Camp Meetings

    Attended informational meetings with two bootcamps in Chicago.
  • Joined FreeCodeCamp

  • Joined Chingu

    Joined my first Chingu Cohort
  • First GitHub Commits

  • Completed FCC Front End Development Certificate

  • Started following P1xt's Job Ready Study Guide

  • Period: to

    Bought a house, renovated and moved

  • Built First Portfolio Website

  • Completed FCC Back End Development Certificate

  • Started learning React

  • Period: to

    First cohort Group Project

  • Period: to

    Second Chingu Group Project

    Voyage 1
  • Built New Portfolio Website

  • Period: to

    Application Process

    I had sporadically sent out applications before this, but this is around when I started seriously applying
  • Period: to

    Third Chingu Group Project

    Voyage 2 - 3
  • First Phone Interview

    After this interview I was assigned a coding project, which I completed and sent in. From what the HR representative said, I was one of the finalists, but they declined to bring me in due to lack of experience.
  • Second Phone Interview

  • First Interview

  • Second Round Interview

  • Got the Job!

  • First day as a professional Front End Developer