Weapons of War

  • Period: to


  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    Austria declared war on Serbia because they blamed the Serbians for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Germany was with Austia and France, Britian and Russia were with Serbia.The Russias went into Perssia without supplies. The Germans had supplies and took the Russians down. That was the Battle of Tannenberg.
  • Battle of Masurian Lakes

    Battle of Masurian Lakes
    The Russians second army was defeated at the Battle of Tannenberg. So the Germans turned their attention to the Russians first army. They didnt defeat the whole Russian army but they did capture over 100,000 Russians.
  • Early Stages of War

    Early Stages of War
    Battle of Ardennes
    -The Germans tried to go through Belgium to get to France but the Belgians hailed them and cut their supplies off. The French made a counter-attack, but lost alot of Frenchmen. The Germans still advanced, until they were halted at the River Marne. 1st Battle of Ypres
    -The British went to beligium to halt the Germans. They were initially held them off, but they soon retreated.
  • 2nd Battle of Ypres

    2nd Battle of Ypres
    Poisin gas was used by the Germans on the British.
  • Dardenelles/ Gallipoli

    Dardenelles/ Gallipoli
    The Russians needed the Britsh and French to help beat off an attack from the Turkish. The british went through the ports but it ended up in a failure.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Germans obliterated the Britsh fleets and blockades. The British did the same counter-attack back to the Germans. The Germans withdrew. The Germans came back with a big blow to the British before retreating again. The British didnt go after them and the Germans decided to consign their fleet to their harbour for the rest of the war.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Germans attacked the French at Verdun. They planned to annihilate the French but it was inconclusive. Their were alot of casualties on both sides.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    A five month long battle between the British, French, and Germans. The Germans had a barbwire acros their border but they bombarded the line. They were alot of deaths on all sides.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    The British attacked the Germans at Amiens. By now, the allies took most of Geman-occupied France, and Belgium. The Turks were forced to sign an armistice and the British move Germany back behind the Hindenberg Line. On November 11, 1918, at 11:00 am the armistice was signed and the war was at an end.