Wealth influences on Constitution

  • First settlers of Roanoke Island

    First settlers of Roanoke Island
    Sir Walter Raleigh broughr 75 settlers, and later abandon the settlement after less than a year
  • Return to Roanoke Island

    Return to Roanoke Island
    A group of 121 English settlers led by John White lands at Roanoke. They find no evidence of Grenville's 1586 party. White will return to England for supplies in August. He will be unable to return to Roanoke until 1590, at which time he will find the settlement abandoned. Raleigh will send a party in 1602 to search for survivors, but it will have no success.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    Three ships carrying 105 settlers select a site on Chesapeake Bay for a new settlement named Jamestown.
  • Sarvation

    1/2 of colonisits died. John Smith "I would rather starve than farm."
  • First 2 women

    First 2 women
    There were way more men than women in jamestown
  • First Amendment

    free exercise of religion
    protection of actions and beliefs
  • Religious Revival

  • Laws are made for gov. actions

    not allowed to interfere with religious believes, but may be practiced
  • Carnegie Corporation

  • How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years

  • Poll Shows Americans Favor an Overhaul of Campaign Financing