Wealth Importance Towards Colonization

  • Founding of Roanoke Colony

    Founding of Roanoke Colony
    The first attempt to colonize was on Roanoke Island by Sir Walter Raleigh, the colony soon dissapeared only leaving "CROATOAN" carved in a tree.
  • Jamestown was settled by English settlers in search of wealth

  • Tobacco was first cash crop for Jamestown

  • Virginia Company made a recuiting system for colonists that gave 50 acres of land to any colonist who paid a person to come to the U.S.

  • First Shipment of slaves arrive

  • Virginia was selling more than 200000 pounds of tobacco per year

  • Carnegie Corporation

  • Great Depression starts

  • Great Depression ends

  • The Supreme Court changed the total amount individual donors can contribute to federal candidates, national parties and political committees.