Jaylen Fryberg is Nominated Homecoming Prince
Jaylen was nominated Homecoming Prince at his high school. This is significant, because it shows that he is very well liked and popular. He was just a normal guy. -
Jaylen Warns of Shooting
Jaylen had texted his girlfriend warning of his plan of the school shooting. The girl basically just kind of played off not really making much of it. Jaylen also posted some controversial tweets hinting at a possible threat. This is important, because the shooting could've been easily prevented, but nobody really payed attention to it. Honestly, Jaylen wanted someone to pay attention to it and atop him. -
Jaylen and Carmen Lopez Take a Selfie Together
The day before the shooting, Carmen Lopez snaps a selfie with Jaylen. The picture captures Jaylen looking happy as ever with a big smile on his face. This is important because it shows how easy it is for someone to hide their true feelings. Looking at that picture nobody would expect Jaylen to open fire in the school the next day. -
Jaylen Pulls the Trigger
Jaylen gathered all of his best friends together at the lunch table on this day wanting to "talk" to them. Jaylen causally stands up, pulls the gun out of his book bag, and then proceeds to shoot and kill 4 of his best friends, a Social Studies teacher, and then eventually himself. This is important, because this is the main event. Jaylen followed through on his threats and killed some and even himself. -
Jaylen's Father Arrested
Ray Fryberg is arrested on chargers of unlawful possession of firearms on this day. In July, they added more of the same charges. Ray went from being a well liked and respected person to hated by many. This is important, because Ray is being blamed for what his son did. Understandably it was Ray's gun, but he did not pull the trigger.