2000 BCE
Minoans were a civilization who dominated sea trade
2000 BC- 1400 BC -
1700 BCE
Mycenaean Indo-Europeans who settled on mainland Greek
1700 BC- 1200 BC -
1450 BCE
Minoans end
The Minoans mysteriously end -
1150 BCE
Greek Dark Age
Dorians move into Greece and cause the Dark Age
1150 BC- 750 BC -
776 BCE
Olympic Games
The first known Olympic Games -
725 BCE
Sparta conquers Messenia
Sparta conquers Messenia -
625 BCE
Messenians revolt
Messenians revolt but are defeated by Spartans -
621 BCE
Legal Code in Athens
Legal law code developed in Athens based on equality -
594 BCE
Law changes
Legal code changed and Establishes four social classes -
509 BCE
End of Kings in Rome
Rome overthrows the Etruscan King and declare never to be ruled by a king and start a Rebuplic -
500 BCE
Athens reform
Athens reforms idea of democracy and split into ten groups based on where you live -
499 BCE
Ionian Greeks revolt
Ionian Greeks living on coast of Anatolia revolt against Persian taxes
499-493 BC -
490 BCE
Persia defeated at Marthon
Persia defeated at Marthon by Athens. They sailed into the city and saw it defended -
480 BCE
Persian launch invasion
Persians launch new invasion on Greece -
477 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
During the Golden Age Athens was at their peak and was very beautiful
477-431 BC -
461 BCE
Pericles becomes the leader of Athens
461-429 BC -
451 BCE
12 Tables
The 12 Tables were created and are Roman laws carved into Stone -
431 BCE
Peloponnesian War
War breaks out between Sparta and Athens. Sparta wins.
431-404 BC -
338 BCE
Macedonians invade
Macedonians invade and defeat Greece -
334 BCE
Invasion of Persia
Alexander the Great invades and defeats Persia -
333 BCE
Alexander wins again
Alexander wins again at Issus -
331 BCE
Persia defeated again
Persia is defeated for the third and final time -
326 BCE
Conquer of Indus Valley
Alexander conquers Indus Valley -
264 BCE
Punic Wars
Wars between Rome and Carthage
264-146 -
202 BCE
Carthage defeated
Rome defeats Carthage at the battle of Zama -
44 BCE
Dictator for life
Caesar declares himself dictator for life -
31 BCE
Battle of Actium
Octavian defeats Marc Antony -
27 BCE
The Fall of the Roman Rebuplic
It falls because it was weakened by internal conflict and civil wars -
27 BCE
Rome's peak
During this time Rome went through a time of peace and prosperity
27 BC-180 AD -
Great fire of Rome
Emperor Nero blames the fire on the Christians -
Christians allowed to worship
Christians are now allowed to worship. Before they were killed -
Council of Nicae
At this council the Nicene Creed was created -
Rome moves the capital
Rome moves the capital to Byzantium but renamed it Constantinople -
Christianity becomes official religion Rome
Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of the empire -
The end of Rome
The Western half of Rome falls and that allows the rest to fall to