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watergate scandal

  • Nixon's Battles

    In this election many noticed that Nixon had become very secretive,defensive, and resentful towards many of his critics.
  • Watergate

    Washington Post reporter catches 5 former CIA and FBI agents that had broken into the DNC headquarters. They were wire taping phones and stealing confidential documents that had been associated with the ideas of new election campaigns of Nixon's rivals.
  • Nixons reelection

    Just before the Watergate scandal the new presidency campaign had just begun. Nixon was reelected for presidency and had already started his campaigns.
  • The cover-up

    The series of cover-ups followed the Watergate scandal to help save Nixon's election. Nixon illegally ordered the CIA to convince the FBI to stop the investigation because it violated "National Security".
  • Watergate Trial

    It was after these 5 men were found guilty that people noticed the full story hadn't been told. It was later found that Nixon advisers had bribed the defendants to stay silent about his actions in the trial and caused them all to be found guilty.
  • Tapes

    After Nixon won the election and the Watergate scandal had been forgotten about in the public eye a secret taping system was found in the white house. It would hold the truth to whether or not Nixon was involved in the Watergate cover-up. After the tapes were released the truth was told about Nixon and his approval to the public eye decreased immensely.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Finally, congress decided whether Nixon should be impeached or be charged of misconduct in office. But after the tapes were released, Nixon resigned from office in disgrace, and he was the first president to resign.