Watergate Scandal

  • Nixon defeats Humphrey in Election

  • Period: to

    W.P. reporters investigate break-in; become suspicious of bribery involving Nixon and Howard Hunt

  • 5 burglars arrested in DNC HQ at Watergate for attempting to tap chairman's phone

    5 burglars arrested in DNC HQ at Watergate for attempting to tap chairman's phone
  • Burglars indicted for conspiracy, burglary and federal wiretapping laws

    Burglars indicted for conspiracy, burglary and federal wiretapping laws
  • Nixon re-elected

    Nixon re-elected
  • Sam Ervin begins investigation of break-in

    Sam Ervin begins investigation of break-in
  • 3 White House aids & Attorney General reside; new Att. Gen. appoints special prosecutor to investigate

  • Alexander Butterfield reveals to Senate Select Committee that Nixon bugged Oval Office in 1969; Prosecutor subpoenas and Nixon refuses

    Alexander Butterfield reveals to Senate Select Committee that Nixon bugged Oval Office in 1969; Prosecutor subpoenas and Nixon refuses
  • Nixon fires Prosecutor

  • Investigation of Impeachment begins; voted 410-4

    Investigation of Impeachment begins; voted 410-4
  • 7 aids indicted by Grand Jury for conspiring to hinder investigation; Nixon secretly named co-conspirator

    7 aids indicted by Grand Jury for conspiring to hinder investigation; Nixon secretly named co-conspirator
  • Period: to

    Case/Tapes go to U.S. Supreme Court

  • Period: to

    House Judiciary Committee charges Nixon with obstruction of justice, abuse of power & contempt of Congress

  • Court rules unanimously to void executive privelege and tapes are granted to Prosecutor

  • "The Smoking Gun" the tape proves that Nixon attempted to thwart the investigation

    "The Smoking Gun" the tape proves that Nixon attempted to thwart the investigation
  • Nixon Resigns!

    Nixon Resigns!