Watergate Scandal
A group call the Committe to reelect the President tried to get evidence that Nixon is bad. Their first attempted failed but not their second. They arressted 5 people and found out the stolen campaign money was traced back to Nixon. -
Senate Investigation
Woodward and Bernsteins found out that Nixon attempted to protect himself by forcing two top aides to resign and to take responsibility and the mistakes of others. -
Caught Red Handed
Nixon’s advisers ordered five men to break into the Democratic Party’s headquarters at the Watergate complex and steal sensitive campaign information. They were also to place wiretaps on the office telephones. While the burglars worked, a security guard spotted a piece of tape holding a door lock. The guard removed the tape, but when he passed the door later, he saw that it had been replaced. He quickly called police, who arrived shortly and arrested the men. -
Saturday Night Massacure
President Nixon insisted on prosocuter Archibald Cox to be fired for asking Noxon to turn in the White House tapes. -
Problems in Administration
After firing his old prosocuter, Nixon hired a new one who also suggested that Nixon turn in the tapes, so Nixon sent in edited transcript. -
Nixon finally released the oringinal tapes but they had an 18 and a hlf minuet in them. Even with these gap it was still revealed that Nixon was involved in the Watergate Coverup. -
New Guy
On this day, Nixon became the first ever president to resign from his position. Gerald Ford became President.