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Watergate Events

By aawong
  • Nixon for President

    Nixon for President
  • Watergate Arrests

  • Nixon and chief of staff meet to discuss cover-up for Watergate break in

  • Nixon reelected

  • Liddy & McCord convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and wiretapping

  • The Senate begins hearings on Watergate

  • President Nixon delivers State of the Union address, will not turn over any more evidence pertaining to Watergate investigation

  • White House releases more than 1,000 pages of edited transcripts of the tapes to the House Judiciary Committee

  • Supreme Court grants writ for certiorari for The United States v. Nixon instead of waiting for a decision from the court of appeals

  • Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the case of The United States v. Nixon

  • The House Judiciary Committee passes the first of three articles of impeachment, charging the president with obstruction of justice

  • Nixon resigns, becoming first president in U.S. history to resign, turning over presidency to Gerald Ford

  • President Gerald Ford pardons Nixon for crimes related to Watergate

    President Gerald Ford pardons Nixon for crimes related to Watergate