Bob Woodward
THe Washington Post reporter is told to report on an insignificant, but bizzare incident,
Early that morning, five men had broken into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the city’s Watergate apartment office complex.
This is what is knows as the beginning of the Watergate incident. -
Nixon tries to demonstratehis honesty and appoints a Special Attourney for the Wattergate Affair. -
Testimony's Begin
White House aide Alexander Butterfield testified that Nixon had ordered a taping system installed in the White House to record all conversations to help him write his memoirs after leaving office. -
Saturday Night Massacare
After being told to again release tapes from Watergate, Nixon begins a series of resignations and firings that bacame known as the "Saturday Night Massacare". -
Tapes are Released
The United States Supreme Court orders President Nixon to release the tapes he aquired through the Watergate scandal. -
Impeachment Begins
The House of Representatives vote to impeach President Nixon. -
President Nixon Resignes
President Nixon announces his resognition from President of the United States.