Washington timeline project

  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    When George Washington was president he believed that we, as a nation, should remain neutral in all foreign affairs so that we would not have to owe anything to that county or make enemies. To declare America neutral, Washington signed the proclamation of neutrality.
  • Jay's Treaty

    After the American revolution, Britain was still angry at the US so they started to harass America by flooding their markets and ruining a lot of American boats. George sent John Jay to make a treaty with Britain in which Britain would pay for all damages and stop harassing us and was later signed by Washington himself and was called Jay's Treaty.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney's Treaty
    Spain started to make trading very difficult for America. To stop this, George signed Pinckney's treaty with Spain which created a friendship and allowed America to trade freely which is kind of a contradiction to the proclamation of neutrality because George did not want to get involved with other nations.
  • George Washington's Farewell Address

    George Washington's Farewell Address
    Before Washington Reigned after his second term, he wrote a farewell address to America. In the address, Washington talked mainly about how we should be careful with other foreign affairs because he did not want us to owe something to another country or get involved in attack and get attacked our selves. In the farewell address, George stated that he did not want to form political parties because it would tear the nation apart.
  • Jefferson's Political Party

    Jefferson's Political Party
    In the farewell address, George stated that he did not want to form political parties because it would tear the nation apart. In the election of 1796, Jefferson created the Democratic Republican party which is the what Washington clearly stated to not do.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson purchased what is now Louisiana from Spain which is one of the reasons we ended up expanding all the way west. Washington did support Manifest Destiny so this was a good move on Jefferson because the purchase bought a lot of Americas land.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Jefferson signed the Embargo act which while active, stopped all trade with foreign countries. When this was active their were many resources that were scares which hurt the nations economy. George did want to not form alliances with other nations but this is not an alliance, it was a way to get resources that all nations needed and could not supply so this could have affected all countries.
  • Nixon Doctrine

    Nixon Doctrine
    The Nixon Doctrine was put forth during a press conference by Nixon and later formalized in his speech on Vietnamization on November 3, 1969. The Doctrine argued for the pursuit of peace through an alliance with American allies. This goes with what Washington declared in the declaration of neutrality were we do not form alliances because they may hurt us.
  • Nixon's SALT agreement

    Nixon's SALT agreement
    The SALT agreement or Strategic Arms Limitations Talk, this agreement made America and the Soviet Union slow down in the advancement of nuclear defense and offensive weapons. George did want to keep peace with other nations so this agreement was necessary to the Soviets and US relations.
  • Paris Peace Accrods

    Paris Peace Accrods
    Nixon signed the Peace accords ending all involvement in the Vietnam war. George thought that we did not need to fight in other countries wars so backing out of the war was a smart idea even if we technically lost.
  • Yom Kippur War,

    Yom Kippur War,
    In this war Nixon sent over aid to Israel which the Prime minister Golds said it saved their country. Washington believed we should stay out of affairs because now that we helped Israel we look like an enemy to their enemy.