
Washing your hands

By afiddle
  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Turn on the water. The first step to washing your hands is turning on the water and getting your hands wet.
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Add the soap. The next step to washing your hands is using soap. This student was able to pump the soap into his hands by himself in order to complete this step.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Scrub and Sing! The proper way to scrub your hands is to sing the ABC's. This song is just long enough to make sure all of the germs have disappeared. Link text
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Rinse your hands. After singing, the student needs to rinse his hands from all of the soap with hot water.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Turn off the water and dry your hands. This student is using a paper towel in order to dry his hands. He has completed the steps to washing his hands.