Period: to
WASC Timeline
HBHS Mission Statement
MEETING SUMMARY: In the all-staff meeting, we reflected about the current mission statement, discussed ways to revise and evolve the statement so it makes more sense for us today, and brainstormed new statements in collaborative teams. -
Student Learning Objectives
MEETING SUMMARY: We met as a whole staff in order to begin revising our campus SLOs and develop new ones for the 2017-2018 school year. Our goal was to make the SLOs more accessible and concise. -
Student Learning Objectives Review
MEETING SUMMARY: We met as a whole staff to celebrate the holidays as well as review the SLOs developed out of our last meeting. -
Staff Development Day
MEETING PART 1: The whole staff met that morning to review, discuss, and reflect about our three critical area of need from our last WASC process. MEETING PART 2: Then, we broke into Focus Groups for the first time to begin discussing elements pertaining to chapter 3 of the document. MEETING PART 3: Lastly, we came together in Home Teams in order to complete a reflection process related specifically to our critical needs by department. -
Home Team SLO's Development
MEETING SUMMARY: We met in home groups to discuss the ways we currently address the new SLOs within each department. -
Focus Group Meeting
MEETING SUMMARY: Focus groups met today to begin breaking down the indicators and prompts for Chapter 3. They worked to annotate the indicators and prompts, determine what is already known, and create a plan for future meetings. They determined the evidence needed for the indicators and prompts. -
Focus Group Meeting
MEETING SUMMARY: The focus groups continued to discuss the prompts and indicators. They worked to complete the team document. Lastly, they determined areas of strength and areas for growth within their focus group area. -
Parent + Student Focus Group Meeting
MEETING SUMMARY: We invited our parents and students from our focus groups to meet with Team WASC for a specific parent/student focus group meeting. We wanted to get feedback from them on their experiences in this process, analyze how we could improve the process moving forward, and get their input for our critical areas of need. -
Back to School All-Staff Meeting
MEETING SUMMARY: As a whole staff, we met to (1) review our goals within the WASC process this school year (2) reflect on our past action plan (3) discuss the new critical areas of need and begin brainstorming ideas for growth -
Home Team SLO Alignment
MEETING SUMMARY: Departments met in their home teams to (1) reflect on the SLO development assignment from last semester (2) determine the highlights for the department and narrow down the alignment to three areas per SLO category (3) complete a shared Google Doc. From this meeting, Team WASC was able to create department SLO alignments for every department on campus. -
Skills Bank Creation All-Staff
MEETING SUMMARY: The whole staff met so we could (1) provide WASC updates about upcoming events and things to expect (2) discuss curriculum map alignment with 21st century skills and (3) create an HBHS Skills Bank of 21st century, soft skills we can refer to as a whole staff when addressing critical area of need #1. -
All-Staff Update and Prepare
MEETING PLAN: We will meet together as a staff and review plans for our upcoming (1) mock WASC visit (2) upcoming meetings and (3) things to expect during our actual WASC visit. -
Team WASC Meet with Focus Group Leaders
MEETING PLAN: We want to meet with our Focus Group Team leaders to keep them updated on future plans for Focus Groups. We will discuss progress with chapter 3 and discuss what needs to be accomplished during the next Focus Group meeting. -
Focus Group Update Meeting
MEETING PLAN: We will meet in our Focus Groups to reflect on the strengths and areas for growth determined last time. We will review how these areas resulted in the development of our critical areas of need. We will also determine highlights that emerged from the overall team discussions. -
Staff Development Day
MEETING PLAN: In the morning we will meet as a whole staff to review the completed WASC document and its main ideas. After that, we will break into our Focus Groups to (1) read those specific sections of the document (2) link additional evidence (3) edit + revise as needed. -
Focus Group Review Meeting
MEETING PLAN: We will use this time to reflect and review before our Mock WASC visit. We will answer any questions participants may have at this time. -
Mock WASC Visit
MOCK VISIT PLAN: We will meet in Focus Groups for our Monday morning meeting. A team of district employees will be joining us to help us review for our WASC visit. -
All-Staff Review for WASC Visit
MEETING PLAN: We will meet as a whole staff to review the timeline and agendas for our WASC visit the following week. -
WASC Visiting Committee Arrives!