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Was this time period (1914-1929) a period of progress or decline for Canadians and Canada as a nation?

  • Billy Bishop

    Billy Bishop
    (Social) (+2)
    Billy Bishop was a famous Canadian pilot who achieved about 72 victories during WW1. He was Canada’s top flying ace of the war. A new pilot is expected to live a couple of weeks but Billy Bishop somehow managed to survive the entire war, killing enemy pilots. With his brave actions, he represented Canada’s pilots very well and was a massive influence on other people to become pilots.
  • Jeremiah Jones

    Jeremiah Jones
    (Political) (+2)
    Jeremiah Jones, one of the sixteen black men assigned to the Royal Canadian Regiment saved his unit from a machine gun nest during the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917. He contributed to one of the most significant Canadian victories in WWI. He also proved that black men were just as valid as white men. Roles usually exclusive to white Canadians were filled by Black men who had joined the armed forces.
  • Wartime Elections Act

    Wartime Elections Act
    (Social) (+1)
    The Wartime Elections act was established on September 20th, 1917. It gave sisters, wives, and mothers of the soldiers and nurses that served overseas, the right to vote. This event was a huge step toward women’s rights. The event was influenced by the actions of Mae Belle Sampson and Katherine MacDonald who served as nurses in WW1 and risked their lives.
  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    (Social) (-2)
    The same act that gave some women the right to vote in 1917 also took the right to vote away from Canadians who were born in enemy countries. These people had their businesses and clubs attacked and closed down. Then, the War Measures Act was passed by the government, which limited freedom for civilians.
  • The Economy and the Home Front

    The Economy and the Home Front
    (Economic) (+1)
    Unemployment disappeared as factories employed hundreds of thousands of workers. There were around 700 factories mechanically producing aircraft and warships by 1917. The Imperial Munitions Board was created by the government to oversee this effort. The Imperial Munitions Board was spending more than the government itself in the final 2 years of the war.
  • The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties
    (Economic) (+1)
    Many Soldiers moved to the cities after the war hoping to find jobs. Women proved themselves brave by serving as caregivers in the war. They had freedom and were treated very well before they came home. When they came back home, they became housewives again and lost their freedom and respect.