First deportations
The first Deportations from Warsaw to Treblinka began in the summer of 1942. Around 300,000 Jews were deported to Treblinka. -
Jewish fighting centre
The Jewish fighting centre was constructed -
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Huge deportations
Germans organised huge deportations for the Jewish people. Around 250,000 jews were killed at this time. -
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Renewed deportations
Deportations were renewed by the german soldiers. -
Round ups
Ghetto inhabitants were being rounded rounded up by the German and Warsaw ghetto fighters for deportation. There is no specific date as this was an ongoing process -
Break in
There was an uprising in Warsaw because the ghetto was broken into by the police and german troops. The german troops and police entered the ghetto looking for any people that were still alive in the ghetto for deportation. -
Revolt ending
The revolt had ended, however, during this time of the revolt, around 7,000 were shot, 56,000 Jews were captured, the rest were deported. -
Great synagogue
The Great Synagogue was blown up by the German soldiers. Which stopped the destruction of the ghetto.