May 22, 1455
Battle of Saint Albans
Tha battle of Saint Albans is the beginning of the wars of the Roses. The fight was the 22nd of May of 1455, in a village called Saint Albans. It was between York's house (the white rose) and Lancaster's (the red rose). Richard, Duke of York, and his ally, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, defeated Lancater's soldiery. -
Period: May 22, 1455 to Aug 22, 1485
Crónica de la Humanidad. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 1987 KINDER, Herman y HILGEMANN, Werner. Atlas Histórico Mundial I. De los orígenes a la Revolución Francesa. Madrid: Istmo, 1990 Guerra de las Dos Rosas. En Wikipedia. Recuperado el 20 de noviembre de 2015, de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerra_de_las_Dos_Rosas -
Dec 30, 1460
Battle of Wakefield
The battle of Wakefield was the 30th of December of 1460 between Richard's forces and the real army leaded by the Queen, Margaret of Anjou. It was a decisive fight for the war because Lancaster's house was the winner. It was in surroundings of Wakefield. -
Mar 29, 1461
Battle of Towton
The battle of Towton was the 29th of March of 1461 in a village called Yorkshire. It is considered the biggest and the bloodiest battle in the English territory. -
Apr 14, 1471
Battle of Barnet
The battle of Barnet was the 14th of April of 1471, near Barnet, in that time, a little town in the north of London. People consider this fight one of the most importants because ther was a decisive change. -
May 21, 1471
Battle of Tewkesbury
The battle of Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire was the 21st of May of 1471. The victory of Eduard IV was followed of fourteen years of York's goberment in England. -
Oct 18, 1483
The murder of Eduardo V and Ricardo
When Eduard IV died, Richard III, his brother, killed his nephews Eduard V (12 years old) and Ricard III so he was the new King of England. -
Aug 31, 1485
Battle of Bosworth
The battle of Bosworth was the decisive one in the large dispute. It was the 31st of August of 1485 between Richard III, the last King of Plantagenet dynasty and Henry Tudor (Henry VII), who defeated Richard III and started Tudor dynasty. After that the peace came to England again, so Henry Tudor join together the two roses like a symbol of the tho houses in peace.