Wars In the Middle East Timeline

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    Wars In the Middle East Timeline

    These are 15 wars that have happened or are happening in the Middle East.
  • The Persian Constitutional Revolution

    The Persian Constitutional Revolution
    This was a movement that took place from 1905 to 1911. The main point of this revolution was to get the King to establish a constitution. In 1906 King Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar signed a constitution, but when his son, Mohammad Ali Shah, gained power he abolished the constitution. This led to another pro-constitutional movement occuring, which made Mohammad re-establish the constitution.
  • The Turkish War of Independence

    The Turkish War of Independence
    This war was fought after the end of World War 1. The Ottoman's empire was partitioned to France and other countries. After a few years of fighting with other countries for independence, two piece treaties were signed, and the country of Turkey was established.
  • Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict
    This is one of the longest wars ever. It started with the Zionism movement, which was made to give Jews their homeland back, Israel. But when all of the Jews started returning to Israel, the natives, Palestinians, were displaced from their homes. Since then, Israel and Palestinians have fought over rights to the land.
  • Dhofar Rebellion

    Dhofar Rebellion
    This started out as guerilla warface between the rebellion and the country of Oman. This happened because the leader of the rebels ideology was to liberate the Middle East from British influence.
  • 1963 Demonstrations in Iran

    1963 Demonstrations in Iran
    This was a group of days when citizens protested agianst the arrest Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The citizens responed with massive demonstrations, although these were almost immediately crushed by the Shah's military and police as a show of power.
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    The Six Day War occured because the countries surronding Israel were on the Palestinians side about the land distrubition of Israel. The neighbors of Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, etc, banded together to force Israel to give the Palesinians more land. Fortunately for Israel, their attempts failed. This war lasted (obviously) 6 days.
  • Black September War

    Black September War
    This first started when Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) camps were established in Jordan. After one attack on Israel, the PLO's support from neighboring Arab countries started going higher. Once the PLO within Jordan was strong enough, the PLO openly called for the overthrow of the Hashemite monarchy. The PLO tried to assinate King Hussien twice, and the Jordan Armed Forces began to fight back against the PLO. The result was that Jordan and the Jordan Armed Forces won.
  • The Turkish-Kurdish Conflict

    The Turkish-Kurdish Conflict
    This first started when the Kurds demanded separation from Turkey and to create an independent Kurdistan. The main rebel group is called the Kurdistan Workers' Party (KWP). The presence of the KWP was responded by air and artillary strikes on thst region. This conflict is ongoing and started over 40 years ago.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    This war started when Iraq invaded Kuwait to take control of oil supply. Originally, Kuwait lowered oil prices to get countries to buy from, this cost Iraq money. This led to Iraq invading Kuwait. To end this conflict the UN placed embargos on Iraq until they took all their forces from Kuwait.
  • The 1991 Uprisings in Iraq

    The 1991 Uprisings in Iraq
    This was a series of popular rebellions during the ceasefire of the Gulf War. These rebellions were fueled by the perception that President Saddam Hussein was responsible for social repression and had become vulnerable to change. The perception of vulnerability was based on the two prior wars, the Iran-Iraq War and the Invasion of Kuwait.
  • Iraq War

    Iraq War
    The Iraq War was a conflict that started because U.S forces were sent to Iraq. The main purpose of this war was for the U.S to overthrow and find Saddam Hussein. After they did this, the U.S and other countries established a democratic government in Iraq. Started in March 20, 2003, ended December 18, 2011
  • 2006 Lebanon War

    2006 Lebanon War
    This started when Hezbollah fighters fired rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an ambush attack. After the attack, the Hezbollah took hostages to Lebanon, but they were willing to trade the hostages for Lebanese prisoners. Israel responded with air attacks and artillary attacks.
  • The Egyptian Crisis

    The Egyptian Crisis
    The Egyptian Crisis began when thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in an ideologically and socially diverse protest that forced president Hosni Mubarak from office. After this happened, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces took control until a series of elections took place, and brought a Muslim Brotherhood to power.
  • The Syrian Civil War

    The Syrian Civil War
    This is ongoing war and some say it is the second deadliest war in the 21st century. It first started as an armed conflict when people were violently supressed, while protesting for the president's removal. This war is fought by many factions within Syria, and this war started over 9 years ago.
  • The Yemeni Civil War

    The Yemeni Civil War
    This is an ongoing conflict that started because two factions thought that their faction correctly constituted the official government of Yemen. There are 5 main factions in this civil war; the Supreme Political Council, the Hadi-led Government, the Southern Traditional Council, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Province.