
Wars In Europe

  • 30 Years War

    30 Years War
    The 30 Years War began in 1618. This war was between Catholics and Protestants in europe and involved all of Europe except England. It was to divide the Holy Roman Empire into two states that would act independently.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The English Civil War broke out in 1642. The King vs. Roundheads supported parliament, but they were supported by the Cavaliers. The Roundheads were led by Cromwell, which his army were mostly puritans and believed they were fighting for God. When his army won he got rid of everyone that disagreed with him. Cromwell had dismissed the parliament and established a military dictatorship.
  • End of 30 year war

    The 30 year war ended in 1648.
  • Cromwell dies

    Cromwell dies
    Cromwell dies in 1658. After he dies Charles II took the throne and restored parliament. RESTORATION
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    William and Mary were invited by a group of nobles to be king and queen of England. William III and Mary II were given the throne of being rulers by the Parliment and when this chang happened they then called it The Glorious Revolution. They signed a document and this prevented the monarch from levying taxes without the consent of the parliament.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    The "Enlightenment" was the philosophical movement, focused on reason, and it used the scientific method in all areas of study. There were different fathers of the "Enlightenment":
    1. Sir Isaac Newton
    2. John Locke
    There were thinkers of the "Enlightenment":
    1. Montesque
    2. Voltaire
    3. Diderot
  • War of the Austrian Succession

    War of the Austrian Succession
    Fredrick tried to prevent long war so he offered Maria Theresa an alliance and help her husband become Holy Roman Emperor, She turned her offer down and then the War of the Austrian Succession began in 1740. Spain, France, and two German states joined on Prussia`s side and then in 1748 Theresa asked for peace due to there being so much against her. Prussia then got launched to a position of real power.
  • Spirit of the Laws

    Spirit of the Laws
    Baron de Montesquieu published "The Spirit of the Laws" in 1748.
  • Rivalry Continues

    Rivalry Continues
    Victory of Prussia made the rivalry get intense between Austria and Hungary and then the Seven`s War began in 1756.
  • Taxes formed by the British

    The British started putting mew taxes on certain different goods, such as paper, glass, paints, and tea,
  • British Colony population

    By 1770 the Britich Colony population had increased rapidly. Each colony had a population of more than 2.1 million people
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    Jefferson wrote a draft of the decleration. On July 4, 1776 the Decleration of Independence had been adopted by the Continental Congress. It was an elgant spark to the "Enlightenment" political philosophy.
  • Revolution continued

    Revolution continued
    Causes of the Revolution:
    1. Economic Crisis of 1787-1788
    2. Shortages of all major goods
    3. Prices went up on all goods
  • Estates General

    Nobles wanted a meeting of the Estates General, a form of all 3 Estates. The meeting was to have an approval of new taxes on the third estate. So they decided to meet again in the spring of 1789.
  • French Revolution

    In the spring of 1789 the first and second estates had lost power to the monarchy. Not everyone was happy at this point.
  • Parisians

    A mob of Parisians went to the Bastille, an ancient prison, looking for weapons. At this time the prison was only inholding 7 prisoners, but this building was seen as a powerful sign to the people.
  • Intervention of Foreign Powers

    Austria and Prussia issued a declaration warning against harming the French monarchs. It wasnt meant to be read as a serious decleration, but Austria sent over 50,000 troops to the French Border and the Legislative Assembly then declared war. France`s army was defeated,
  • Monarchy

    The Monarchy ends on August 10, 1792.
  • The Ending

    The Ending
    The French Revolution came to an end in 1799.