War Timline

  • French Indian War

    The French and the British were fighting over control of the Ohio River Valley. The war lasted 9 years, and cost the British a lot of money. The British won, but were I a significant debt in order to pay off the debt, they start taxing the colonists, sparking the first dispute between the colonies and the crown.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Great Britain passed a law requiring colonists to pay tax-- in the form of stamps---on certain documents. The British Parliament started this to pay for the British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Year's War. The colonists refused to use the stamps, they burned the stamps and started a riot. In 1765 they even gathered to form a Stamp act Congress asking parliament to repeal the law.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston colonists, including Samuel Adams, demanded the removal of British troops from Boston. their troops were a reminder of British control and arrogance to the Bostonians. British troops who lived in Boston opened fire after being harassed by an angry mob of colonists. This was the first sign of violence between the British and Boston.