War On The Plains

By Ebohle
  • Great Plains Reservation

    Great Plains Reservation
    The Federal Government designated the entire great plains as one enormous reservation.
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    Goverment Changes Policy

    The government changed its policy and designated specific boundaries for each tribe.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    Militia Colonel John Chivington attacked the natives at the Sand Creek Reserve in Colorado and killed over 150 inhabitants, mostly women and children.
  • Death on The Boazman Trail

    Death on The Boazman Trail
    Warrior Crazy Horse attacked captain William J. Fetterman and company, and killed over 80 soldiers.
  • Treaty of Fort Larimie

    Treaty of Fort Larimie
    The Sioux agreedto live on a reservation along the Missouri river, which was forced on the leaders of Sioux
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush had started in the Black Hills
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    Red River War

    General Philip Sheridan, a Union Army Veteran gave orders "to destroy their villages and ponies, to kill and hang all warriors, and bring back all women and children" With such tactics, the army crushed resistance on the Southern Plains.
  • Custers Last Stand

    Custers Last Stand
    The Battle of Little Big Horn. Custers took down the Sioux and some Native Amerian Sioux leaders went to Canada for refuge
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    This Act broke up the reservations and gave some of the reservation land to individual Native Americans
  • Wounden Knee

    Wounden Knee