War on the Great Plains

  • Government Restricts Native Americans

    Federal Government passed an act that limited certain land to Native Americans.
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    Different treaties of the 1850's

    Government changed its policy and created a number of treaties setting aside specific boundaries for different tribes.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Most of the Cheyenne tribe assumed they were under protection of the U.S. Government. Then U.S. General S.R. Curtis ordered Militia Colonel John Chivington to attack them because he wanted them to suffer more than they did.
  • Death on the Bozeman Trail

    Native American Warrior Crazy Horse, ambushed Captain William J. Fetterman And his company. This event was known as The battle of the Hundred Slain.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The Sioux Tribe agreed to live on a reservation along the Missouri River.
  • Black Hills Gold Rush

    Colonel George A. Custer reported that the Black Hills had gold "from the grass roots down."
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    Red River War

    The U.S. army forced friendly tribes onto reservations while opening fire on others. They also ordered troops to "destroy the villages and horses, to kill and hang all warriors, and to bring back all women and children."
  • Custer's Last Stand

    The Sioux and the Cheyenne outflanked and crushed Custer's troops. In about an hour, Custer and his men were dead.
  • The Dawes Act

    Congress passed the Dawes Act hoping to "Americanize" Native Americans. The Act split up the reservations.
  • The Battle of Wounded Knee

    The Seventh Cavalry gathered up about 350 starving Sioux on the Dakota reservation. Then, the soldiers demanded the warriors to give up there weapons and a shot was fired, from which side no one knows.