War on Terror Summative

  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    The Iranian Revolution occurred due to the public outrage of Shah's rule which established economic inequality. This not only causes chaos with protestors, but many opposed to his regime. However, the Iran's political system eventually changed when Khomeini returned from exile.
  • Hostage Crisis

    Hostage Crisis
    In November 4, 1979, Iranian students seized the embassy which led the detainment of more than 50 American students. As a result, the Iranians held the American diplomats for over 444 days.
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    Iran-Iraq War

  • Iran-Iraq War

    Iran-Iraq War
    The Iran-Iraq War were one of the main events that led to the Iran-Contra Affair. It grew tensions over the Shatt al-Arab waterway. Moreover, President Saddam Hussein invaded Iran to restrict its control of Iraq. The U.S., the Reagan administration provided financial and military aid to Iraq, especially due to the American hostages captured in 1979. This was seen as stabilizing the influence in the Middle East.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    The Iran-Contra Affair was over a political affair that mainly focused on the arm sales to Iran and funding the Contras. In other words, the Reagan administration secretly sold weapons to Iran in return of gaining the American hostages back. Moreover, the profits from these sales were utilized for military aid for a rebel organization against Nicaragua. However, this interfered and violated the U.S. law as the Congress initially prohibited funds for the Contras.
  • Invasion of Kuwait

    Invasion of Kuwait
    On August 2, 190, Iraq invaded Kuwait. This was due to the territorial conflicts over Kuwait initially taking oil from the Rumaila oil field. Essentially, the Rumaila oil field belonged along the Iraq-Kuwait border. This marked the beginning of Gulf War. The invasion was led by President Saddam Hussein, as he claimed that it was detrimental to its economy due to the overproduction of oil.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    The Gulf War can also be known as the Persian War. The war initially occurred from January 17, 1991 to February 28, 1991. This war was followed from it was caused from the accusation of oil overproduction by Kuwait, debts which negatively affected the Iraq's economy, and territorial dominance over Kuwait. These tensions involved countries including the United States which attempted to liberate Kuwait. Ultimately, the Iraq troops withdrew their forced from Kuwait, resulting in victory.
  • USA in Somalia

    USA in Somalia
    The U.S. forces landed in Somalia were sent by George H.W. Bush to aid the people in Somalia. Their goal was to alleviate the unstable conditions of the civilians with food distribution. This was overall approved by the United Nations, being an emphasis of the international focus to the humanitarian issue.
  • The 1st World Trade Center bombing

    The 1st World Trade Center bombing
    A group of terrorists involved members of al-Qaeda, attempted to bomb the World Trade Center. This was conducted by detonating a truck bomb under the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Moreover, this was motivated from U.S. military in the Middle East and their opposition of he foreign policy. This involved six casualties and was a key event that led to the 9/11 attack.
  • U.S. Embassy Bombings

    U.S. Embassy Bombings
    Al-Qaeda, an Islamic militant, led the U.S. embassy bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es, Salaam, Tanzania. This resulted in over 200 casualties. This grew more tensions between the U.S. and Iran and was caused due to the multiple factors. This included the rises of anti-American sentiments and its military presence in particularly Saudi Arabia. and retaliation from the Gulf War as they exclusively supported Israel.
  • USS Cole Attack

    USS Cole Attack
    In Yemen, Al Qaeda operatives sent a suicide bomber into the USS Cole resulting in 17 casualties. This occurrence was motivated by the resentment towards in U.S. in the Middle east especially due to their military presence and support for Israel. Relating to Osama bin Laden's objective to drive the U.S. military out of the Middle East, it was perceived as an opportunity to target the U.S. forces and their assets abroad.
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    War on Terror

  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    The 9/11 Attack was initiated by 19 members. Khalid Sheik Muhhamad was the central planner of the 9/11 and most members were a part of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World trade Center in NYC. This was also associated with the third plane crash in Pentagon. This resulted in about than 3,000 casualties and deaths of many first aid responders including firefighters, volunteers, and paramedics.
  • Iraq War March

    Iraq War March
    The Iraq War March was motivated to establish a democratic government and was initiated by the United States. Moreover, its objective was to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime. This was due to the accusations of Iraq's mass destruction with arms.
  • Death of Saddam Hussein

    Death of Saddam Hussein
    The president of Iraq, was sentenced to death by hanging. This was broadcasted on live TV due to his brutality which was an historical mark in for Iraq civilians. This untangled many sectarian tensions throughout Iraq.
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    The Arab Spring in 2011 was a widespread movement that involved international protestors in countries: Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Essentially, in Saudi Arabia, the Arab Spring began in January 21, 2011. This movement aimed for political reform and the social injustice they faced Moreover, this often caused chaos and resulted in 50 casualties in Saudi Arabia.
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    Iraq War

  • War in Iraq

    War in Iraq
    The war in Iraq began in December 2013 to 2017. With the increase of Sunni attacks and bombings, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, captured major territories including Mosul in 2014. These bombings and violence was responded with the military support of the U.S. government. Eventually, the Iraqi government was able to declare victory over ISIS.